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A member registered 90 days ago

Recent community posts

hi chat

i feel like you are such a nice person

i love NTRC

how to


(2 edits)
i'm still hoping for the update
i'm insane

maybe the real update is the brain rot we made along the way


So when Hatchet said June, did they mean June, 2025? 

Hatchet , please

hi new

keep going man 
I love you 

wait, there is other games?!!

(1 edit)

I like how they made Agnes give you a foot job right away but they draw the line at feet worship 

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Even tho the update is taking long
i take comfort in knowing that we all gonna cum together when it finally gets released 

Add me or i'm gonna cum

download old versions of the game , it has a scene with jade. 

You mean this is not Hogwarts Legacy?

not necessary, they can just create another profile on the same browser, much easier

Another cursed ai video

Hatchet should release the update or i'm gonna go on ai streak 

Why did the ai gave her green eyes?
Is it stupid ?

Ai is cooking

If there is no sex scene with Dr Celine in the new update, i will cry


Hatchet, please save us , we need to cum


we do love watermelons 

buddy... are you okay? 

Hatchet should make a new character based on NTRC , where their fetish is to fuck while drinking coconut milk

if the next update doesn't' make me cum at least 10 times, I'm considering it a failure. 

or maybe a step mom 

thank you , i love you

I'm having a rough day, please hugs

At this point i'm convinced that Hatchet is just enjoying the comments so much that they have the update ready but don't want to release it.  

you mean something to me baby boy
no homo tho

(1 edit)

i need the new update ASAP
i started having dreams about this game and community 

i love random shit


you might be justifiably asking 
i have been observing this comment section for months till but now i decided to make an account to join the insanity 

Also i love you