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A member registered Apr 22, 2024

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They complained that there were transgender options and was very bigotted aboutit shall we say.

Futagirlsrule is well known for saying crass backwards shit like this in the comments sections of several games.

Of course its you saying some stupid shit like this. Uggh.

You are right. I think it's a bit funny that they tried to insult me over a supposed lack of education. They seemed to feel I had attacked their intelligence or university degree or some such thing. I attacked their ignorance over a social issue which is a completely different ball field lol.  Let them be miserable over inclusivity while the rest of us celebrate it <3

Keep an open mind about this? Are you kidding? As you sit there with a ridiculously closed off mind? Bite me. 

Wow....but I just hope that there would be no characters in the story that would use they/them as pronoun. ...

Just wow pal. Well it's because of NON BINARY FOLK like MARCIA P JOHNSON that you can exist at any level of equality. Get the fuck over your ignorance. If you're offended, read something else. Don't expect the author to cater to your bigotry. Educate yourself dear. I hope you grow as a person. Happy holiday season. -.-' 

I like the sound of this. It reminds me A LOT of Gilded Shadows.

Every time Ive seen you make a comment yuunksu, it was to b*tch about something. You used super condescending language when noting they had not made a correction you just COULDNT live without. Your attitude needs work. This person owes you NOTHING. Stop acting like they should be working on your schedule instead of their own. Read something else in the mean time. Maybe even pick up a book or learn a new skill. 

So Im having trouble romancing Helios. What steps/choices should I be making?

I've replayed what is present many times. Somehow it is better every time I come back. I am so glad there are recent updates, letting us know this amazing work of art has not been abandoned like so many other IFs. Thank you for your work, and the work of any of those who help you. Don't forget to take time for yourself. 



<3 awesome sauce


Thank you! <3

Same, I just cannot be mean. And thank you sooooo much that really helps! <3 Now that I know I feel a lot better about playing.

You need to look at my comment on the project hadea page.  I think your handling of the MC's trauma response to being raped needs work. I have gone through horrible shit, so have people I love. Give the character a chance to out him for what he did. Give us some kind of catharsis in between killing him and just pretending it didn't happen.  And yes, it is rape, though on the PH page that word is very obviously avoided. Sex under false pretenses is rape. It is something that happens, so seeing it in writing and movies and stuff isn't inappropriate to me. As long as it is handled well.  I really believe this part needs serious reworking. 

This is a great story, but this specific part just feels like it needs some fine tuning.

You got this! It's your process, handle it as is best for you :)

Question, it seems you need to be very mean to Nouritis to get the approval bar up.  It makes me very uncomfortable to speak so cruelly to people. Am I misunderstanding the function of the approval system or something? I would like to hope that I could play as someone honest and direct but not mean in the way they seem to like to be treated.


Abuse seems to get Nouritis approval up and that makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Please let me be wrong somehow.

I genuinely believe he is still alive. Or maybe just maybe want to lol. I'm hoping maybe they come back as a scarred /masked presence that you will run into eventually. Like they haven't contact you because they're afraid it might harm you to reach out considering your position. Or perhaps they are planning our rescue.

Hello, just wondering how your life and progress on the game is going? Hope all is well.

When is the full release?


Honestly that response to me indicates that you are interested in women. why are you trying to force gender on a character without gender? I'm a cis queer woman so maybe my viewpoint could do with input from people of other genders and representations, but I do believe being non binary means you don't feel you are either or any gender. So pursuing the gender of a non gendered character doesn't make sense. It just feels like you're trying to force a gender on them. 
I think perhaps, this what other people might be inferring and that is why they do not like your comment.  Im not psychic though, I'm not always the best at understanding some topics but I am trying. I don't mean to be insulting or argumentative either. I seek an understanding of motivations, social knowledge and academic knowledge

I see. So do you mean sex or gender? Because they are different. 

Is this because you need to know about this so you can form a physical fantasy in your head? I don't necessarily feel either way about your question. More than anything I am curious about why it is important to you. 

Is Ruben currently the only full route?