we can't let Caspian pay his debts himself - since we don't have 100,000. At the moment of arrival at this point in the game, we will have a maximum of 2,000 gold - I've done it several times. Of course, you can collect 100,000 - but it's a month of useless torment - it's worth it, as for me, it's not. And if you're playing for the first time and don't know about the requirement for 100,000 - then you won't be able to pay them, since without money, Caspian is taken away for debts. And you can only buy him out with your ass))) , since they don't ask for money anymore. And the main thing is that this is still a sex game - which means you have to fuck someone or let yourself be fucked )))
Recent community posts
Personally, I like all the characters in their own way. I don't know what's wrong with ASH, but you know better. He's definitely better than Lukka. Although Lukka, given his experience, is just right for the first time. When playing, you put yourself in the place of your hero - your character is you and I understand you. But that's the beauty of the game, that you can do things there that you can't do in life. Therefore, fool around in the game and at least have fun there)) Allow yourself debauchery and forbidden sex and don't worry about anything
About the hero's loss of innocence and more. I want to make suggestions
1) Add sex scenes of the hero with the party members at the hero's house (the hero can sleep alone, remember sex scenes, or sleep with someone in the role he chooses or even with several at the same time)
2) The hero can restore part of the lost innocence in the temple or altar by paying for a service or completing the god's errand
3) Innocence (promiscuity) affects the dialogue options and the behavior of the NPC. For example, with complete innocence, the hero can pay ONLY with money (sex is not offered to him, and even if offered in dialogue, the hero rejects it automatically), if the level of promiscuity is high, the hero can accept or reject payment in sex. If the level of promiscuity is too high, the hero cannot refuse sex. In the absence of the possibility of refusal (the hero is too lustful and this is taken advantage of), the hero also receives a smaller discount than if he were more innocent. The game can even have different branches of passage depending on how innocent or dissolute the hero is at the checkpoints of the game, this will make the plot non-linear and more interesting, and also give the desire to play the game again.
4) as a bonus for sex with the hero with high licentiousness, the hero can buy unusual equipment that the seller will show him to seduce the hero. There are many options for the influence of licentiousness.
5) let the hero be universal in the desire for sex, for example, he can be seduced by a girl seller, or he himself can want intimacy with a beauty in a bar or camp, for which he must complete, for example, a task. I think this will diversify the game and the plot.
I like an energetic, sexy, uncomplexed hero who loves and wants sex with whoever he likes, be it a monster, a man or a woman. such is the world where the hero lives I
am waiting for your comments on the proposal
I know what you wrote. BUT it is impossible to remain a virgin in the game in principle. Even if you do everything as you were told, in the robbers' den you will be fucked together with the cat boy in the tavern. And you will not be able to do anything (in my opinion there is no other plot twist, well, personally I did not find it). Perhaps the game will consider that you have not lost your virginity, but in fact this is not so. I do not know what the plot will be further in the game - but at the moment you will be deprived of your virginity, whether you want it or not. Of course, you can avoid sex scenes everywhere, but then the game and the game world in which the character lives lose their specialty. What is the point of the hero being a virgin, for whom and for what,? )))
Passed version Defeated a dragon in the arena, climbed a mountain peak, received soulgem from a kobold.
I downloaded version 0.3.5. The character was a human, became a dragon and was immediately sent to the arena (although in version the arena was passed, the stone was received). I defeat the dragon, leave the arena and go to the peak, but the kobold does not talk to me and does not give me a stone. I can't transform into anyone else. I enter the arena through surrender to the enemy, I win, but there is no effect. They constantly send me to the arena to fight the dragon through surrender to the enemy, I win, but the kobold on the peak of the mountain does not talk to me, the stone does not allow me to transform into anyone. What's the problem?