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A member registered Jun 12, 2020

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If I have to go to the discord for that shit, then thats just damage control, NOT what was intended 

Based on the last project there was a new update every 1-2 months, each update kind of focused on one woman in the cast so I don't see why this wouldn't have a similar time frame 

Was liking this game and interested in where it was going but progress feels like it hit a standstill, combat is clunky VERY clunky. And the creator likes getting political on their twitter TL which is just annoying 

Nice Update the animations are particularly smooth, and I'm sorry Asami but Sayuri your mom is EXACTLY my type

Some gallery options are locked behind alternative choices you could have made

I'm leaning towards making Chiaki an 18 y/o highschool student, but keeping her as the little sister, and our main cast will be in their first year of college or some such. And Chiaki can just be homeschooled, or just kept in a very sheltered home

How does one get the nurse's photo for blackmail? I know you start with it already in your inventory when doing chapter select, but I don't know how to get it when starting from the beginning

especially since loading a save half the time overrides the quest progress. Causing me to restart

I had an issue. I just finished visiting Vera at her apartment for the second time. I clicked on the computer and then the bed to go to the next day but the screen was blank. I loaded my save from about 30 minutes prior. Now nothing in the bedroom works, all locations have been unlocked, and my tasks have been reset.