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A member registered Jan 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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this looks really cool, cannot wait for rest of game (^-^)

You know if this game is still being worked on? I enjoyed it.

I was replying to pregnant expansion lover, did I comment on your's instead? If I did then I'm sorry for the confusion.

I think that's the amount of seconds you have before it goes to the title screen.

I enjoy this, I've never used a type writer before and just write stories in Grammarly but this was nice. Thank you Adam Pype and Viktor Kraus.

You say that but you seem to just think about people that are pregnant or have large stomachs. I like boobs and you like pregnant expansion, that's all it is.

It's traced, all that's different is that the head is smaller and it's a different character. Bruh this crazy.

This was actually a pretty cool game, got a laugh out of me which is good for any game.  

(1 edit)

I feel like the only thing making this game really boring is how long it takes to get new body parts and clothes for the Robo Girl but other than that the game is alright. 

Edit: Never mind, I didn't know that tool was mad, oops. 

Is it just that MAC sucks or can I barely click the balls? I mean, MAC does suck but I'll press the balls and it just doesn't work. Maybe I'm just whining, I love all of the teams games though :>

I think that they need to get over their past lover.

Thank you so very much!

once the game is finished can you please add it to steam.

(1 edit)

nah dude, I meant it as you can’t play SHIT ON MAC because it will then proceed to just kill itself slowly. I’ve been reading the comic tho :). I’m honestly impressed by how much work y’all put into the world and lore to a HGame. I wish you all the best.

damn i wanna play the full game so badly unfortunately i have mac

It wont let me ask about Mara. Love this one, I played the last build and you can tell that so much process has ben made. I can't wait till it's finished. 4/5

ooh, okay. I was playing without a mouse so that’s my fault, sorry. I like the game tho😎


pro tip: add something to know where you're shots are going

i came for a H Game and what i got was a story driven game that actually had a pretty good story.

This game is 10/10 better than any AAA game to date. Best game to even cross the human race. 

9/10 the game is great but not perfect, I love the Nemisis-type enemy that follows you so please keep him in the main game. I would spend money on this once it comes to steam.

I love this game, I just wish that that you could kill the village elder in the void.

Its so good and such a great idea.

is this ever going to be a full game game or will you leave it on demo phase?

Amazing game 4/5

The game is great! Your an elite firefighter that went into a building that just seemed like a regular building but then you find something even worse.

This is a great game, my only problem is that it moves so slow but you get used to it after like the first knight. Fantastico!

The game doesn't start. But it did seem intresting.

no it’s okay, I like going out of my comfort zone. MAKE IT EVEN MORE EXTREME.

it is very extreme, maybe too extreme for my liking.

Yeah but harder

i really like this game, maybe a level idea can just be climbing under the walls??

just finished the game and saw all the frames, you did amazing work and I can see all the time you worked on it. Good job, love it.