Yes, I am planning a follow up. Though, the plan is more of a sequel and expansion - the station will be expanded with more locations, NPCs, and detailed maps, there will be a sector map with other points of interest, and a whole series of new adventures all built from the hooks in the original Hardlight Gazetteer. There's a kickstarter preview page up, I'm planning to launch this September once Awaiting the Burning Gods has shipped out:
Magnum Galaxy Games
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Bullet 1 for the cavern is the main explainer for the layout of the upper caves:
"A large outcropping on the planet’s surface, visible from the drop site. Rounded holes in the smooth rock face give access to a hollow interior. The stone forms chambers, flowing in arches and loops, with a main atrium at ground level dividing into passages and sub-chambers overhead that can only be accessed by climbing."
So, according to this, from the drop site the upper cavern can be accessed from the numerous holes in the hollow outcrop that conceals the cave system. These all lead to a large central atrium. To access the upper tunnels PCs need to climb up from the atrium or find an above ground level hole higher up on the outcrop and climb down.
Hope that helps clear things up.
Right now, The Hunger in Achernar is only available through the pre-order page for Outer Rim Uprising. Once that has fulfilled there will likely be a limited run available at a few locations including Tuesday Knight Games for the USA, IglooTree for the UK, and Compose Dream Games in Canada. I'd expect those to come out sometime in Fall 2024.
Thanks for picking up my Hardlight modules, glad you are digging them! To answer your first question, yes, this is a great place for a question like this.
I posted a brief devlog about the 1E updates I made back when the first version of the Mothership Conversion guide came out. Here are the key parts:
"The changes to DHoHS are fairly minimal and are as follows:
- The "Vomit and Bleed Crimson Goo" move has been reduced to 1d5 DMG/round until treated.
- Hanne Gruber's Mastercrafted SMG “Liebling” now does 3d10 DMG.
- Administrator Takako McClane's Handgun “奥の手/Okunote” now does 2d10 DMG.
I decided to leave the hybrid's claw damage alone so they are a little deadlier now. Otherwise, that is it!"
To answer your questions the devlog doesn't cover:
1. Horror HP levels haven't changed as I think having them be more tough works well. That said, if you think they are too tough feel free to cut down their HP to suit your table's style and taste. Alternatively, one rule variant I like to play with is rolling on the applicable wounds table when monsters/NPCs take wounds as well. I think the wounds table is super flavorful and it also makes enemies easier to kill.
2. The Horrors don't have AP values because being largely goo based I think HP captures their toughness better than an armor value.
3. Overall, with the final version of the 1E conversion guide out now I will have another look through to see if there are any major balance changes necessary. Though I think if any changes are needed they will likely be minor (Hits to Wounds, etc).
I hope that helps and that you all have an awesome first couple of sessions of Mothership. Happy to answer further questions anytime!
Hey, thanks for picking up the bundle! I looked into getting you a refund and it looks like the only way is to contact support. As per itch's terms of service "To request a refund, please contact support with your purchase information". So, send them a quick message and they should process it. If they don't give you the refund for any reason, send me a message and we'll figure out a plan B.
Enjoy Hardlight Station and the rest of my games!
Absolutely, you can pick up a physical copy in several places. Right now there should be copies available in the USA from:
In the UK from IglooTree. And in Canada from Monkeys Paw Games.
This is great. I love the initial virus vector - it would be so easy to drop into an ongoing game. The infected AIs are both cool on their own and great examples of how the REDSCREEN virus could morph and mutate in response to each unique host. Overall, I totally love this pamphlet - and snappy design too!
Awesome, thanks for picking them up! I haven't seen any homebrew maps for TS7. But, if it helps imagine the 3D space my two influences in designing the shape of the caves while working with DG Chapman were carnivorous pitcher plants and the inverted tower at the Quinta da Regaleira in Sintra, Portugal.
It is, they've ordered more stock. Should be up in the near future. Exalted Funeral also has copies they just haven't put them up for sale yet (should be soon). Alternatively, you could order a copy through the pre-order page for "The Cleaning of Prison Station Echo" that is available to sign up for via the Kickstarter page. That will be about 3 months or so.