It should be said that Bernhardt is a MONSTER. He sent shivers down horny purples spine. He seems strongest among lvl 5s so he is their captain. Dunno how much u can compare him to others as he maybe just exceptional. as for Elijah, he is still one of the strongest among all HERO superhumans. Being weak lvl5 just means ur weak among strongest. Like u are a weak demigod, but ur still a demigod.
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Dude, I know that game update was long ago, but put that in spolers tag pls, or at least warn of spoilers so new ppl dont get spoiled. That being said, I am with you. he is a great character, but I am just sure something will happen and this is the same cliffhanger type shit that happened in Talos’s lab(that one was gutwrenching).
power > 500, fast and risky and skill > 40 are important ones. others will lead you to dead end, differnet dialogue or not give u upper hand. memory sequnce ( when u had to choose some concepts or nothing) will give u stat buffs at the end, nothing choice will give u corrpution and skill too if u picked it 3 times. also, if power > 525, theres an interesting dead end if u want to make ascend, ressurection and eyes choice.
There are few story changes, nothing much. Minor conversations will be different and ull go on a hunt with her once(gorgon). Things may be added of course as game goes on, especially because her monster looked like MCs monsters (no face gang). But u get more corruption if u kill her so thats… good?!