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A member registered Sep 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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شكرا لدعمك 

شكراً ليك و شكراً إنها عجبتك و للاسف ال glitches انا عارف بوجودها بس للاسف اشتغلنا على اللعبة متأخر جداً و الوقت كان ضيق 

و اكيد انا اكون اسعد اني اجرب لعبتك :D 

شكراً ليك ال tileset مكتوب إسمها لإنها مجانية 

Well played :D

Thank you for the great feedback 

Thanks for the advice. 

Thank you, I didn't have time to work on the glitches the game was made in 1 day :) 

الملاحظات بناخدها في الاعتبار للمرات الجاية... شكراً ليك 

Sorry for that, but actually it's supposed to be confusing :D 

(1 edit)

أتمني تكون عجبتك و تدينا ال
rate :D

Actually it's looping, the final level wasn't finished by the end of the time of the event so I made it loop to level 0 or 1 

But how long did it take you to figure it out ? :D

this was my first time to join a game jam 

I'll take care of your comment next time, thanks