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Maicon Santana

A member registered Feb 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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here some drawings to have an orbit but it is not stable: 
Image illustrating: Can I safely orbit a black hole?
If you launch your spaceship with low speed, you will spiral into the black hole.

Image illustrating: Can I safely orbit a black hole?

f you launch your spaceship with high speed, you will fly into the far off distance.

Image illustrating: Can I safely orbit a black hole?

If you launch your spaceship with intermediate speed, you will orbit the black hole in a complicated pattern known as a rosetta orbit.

Thanks for playing my minigame, yep, as it is a minigame jam I tried to go to a small concept and try to evolve it if I had more time (that I did not have).

Thanks for playing my minigame and the feedback.

Thanks for playing my minigame, I did not have time to fix it, I will try to implement this physics in another future minigame and try to make it better.

hi there, thanks for the feedback and for playing my "game", I was planning to add some enemies and levels but I got too busy at work :(

Thanks mil, and I did check already your game, really nice one.

If you can, check our game, it can be player on Browser, Windows or Android.

Be a free diver looking for trouble.

Nice Atmosphere but I could not play much as I could not control well the camera (it keeps pointing up).

Hi again, we did the Pixel Diver Adventures.

It was a lot of work and fun to do and we hope a lot of people could play and give the feedback so we can improve ourselves.

hi there, I just played and rated your game, really nice.

He is ours:

Love how you did this game, really well thought.

Hi there,
I did some changes on Itchy configuration, should be a bit better. I will compile it for Windows later today and add it here.
Thanks for the feedback.