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Major7th Games

A member registered May 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Realising I never posted any kind of trailer! Here's some development footage to give you an idea of what to expect: 

Now I want to change the name to Regicide and Rainbows hahaha. Thanks! 

Hahaha, glad you enjoyed it! Just straight into the deep end. 

This is adorable! Feels so polished, too. 

This is some A-class monkey business! 

Oodles of trauma and fun!

Horsing around has never been so chaotic! Super fun. 

Followed along with this on Discord! Such a cool project. 

This is so cute! The phone controls are cool, too. Adds a lot of feel to the gameplay! Super impressed that your team made all the visuals during the jam, as well :O. 

Thanks a bunch! I really appreciate your feedback. I had a lot of fun making this for the game jam. It was my first attempt at a hack 'n slash. I might revisit the genre eventually! I'm working on a sci-fi project at the moment that I'll be revealing in the not-so-distant future. It's considerably more ambitious than anything I've made before! 

Here's a developer playthrough with the missing VO (didn't make it in due to time) that was supposed to help guide the player: