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A member registered Mar 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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the way to kill enemies is by attack dashing(x, l) in the direction of the sort of bubble around the enemies so if the arrow came from the bottom left u would need to input a directional attack dash diagnoal up right (keys: up, right).
you are right though, we didn't have enough time to make a proper tutorial, but the killing does work as intended, it's just a little unclear.

Hope you try it again with this info and play it to the end ^-^

Hi again! we finally took the time to fix some of the issues that we had with our game and were wondering if you wanted to give it another shot! not to change the position in the game jam but more as a later review for some feedback and to know what you think! Thanks a lot for this in advanced and for the game jam! We had a lot of fun making the game

yea sadly because of the time constraints i wasnt able to properly fix the jump though i think if you do wait a bit just to make sure u land first and then jump i think u should be fine and i hope u do give it another try even though the jump is a bit clunky...

winrar worked for me

this talks about the issure you are having, don't know how much it will help though since there aren't many answers there but you can give it  a shot

you guys should ask for people to give their voices for this game, played through this demo and it's amazing and i think that giving the characters a voice would add a ton! good luck with the rest of this fangame and i hope it goes well!!