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A member registered Feb 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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It passed me this horror vibe that I was looking for on this game!
Voice-overs enhances this great experience! A mouse sensitivity option would be welcome :)

Thanks a lot!
Yeah, we plan to improve the combat system, including attacking while moving :)

Yeah, I think that it stucks in random levels and only at the beginning. If it get unstucked, then it is ok for the whole level. I think that I unstucked it somehow with the right click (I am not sure if this is valid).

The game-play feels nice and smooth! It is relaxing and makes you want to play more!
It would be nice to be able to steer with the mouse, even if the W key is not pressed.  I would also like to see more complex routes.

I was waiting for this one, thank you!

Nice style and story!

Thank you for the valuable feedback!
Yeah, it needs some 'extensive' exploration to find the way to pass through this bridge (I will not spoil you XD). We added a message, which indicates that the player needs to keep searching, to find what is needed to open it. We hope that the experience is better and more smooth now!
Please give it another try :)

I am in the same case. It would be awesome to have alternative controls.
I can only say about the aesthetics, they are pretty appealing!

I cannot really connect it with the darkness theme, but it is pretty and I like the mechanics! Catchy idea!

Within context!
It is hard for me to feel comfortable into the darkness, having only this little visibility when the gun fires. But the time it fires, I see the really nice scene that you have created! Well done on this! I love the low-poly aesthetics!
Only flaw that I see is that the player can stuck a bit in some places (like at the beginning of the hole) and it is hard to understand it in the darkness. I could also not understand the message that was appearing for a moment above the corpse.
The game looks very promising!

Nice character idea! Someone which brings the darkness.
Procedural level generation looks wow!
I would like to be able to move around more easily (maybe with W A S D keys), but I understand that the way it is, gives a special feeling to the game-play (with the good way :) ).

The theme is represented very well! We would like to see more complex levels! Great job!

The mechanics work perfect and are enjoyable!
I am thankful that I discovered that I can shot multiple times if I hold the left click pressed. Otherwise, the enemies would be too clever for me XD they shot directly to the head XD
Nice work!

We only played it two players and we had some fun time! We probably did not manage to see the whole aspect of the game because of that. Great job!

That was fun!
It was very difficult to me to reach the end of the game XD
A possible thing to improve is the initial delay of the level reload. I died a lot XD and I had to wait to play again. But I wanted to play again!

The theme is embedded in the heart of the core mechanic! I like it!
In this stage of the game I had to remember the level in my head in order to pass the lasers. It is difficult some times, but it is interesting! I think that sound effects, which indicate the interaction with the environment, will contribute to a better game experience.
I see that you have already new levels and I hope to see even more in the future!

Interesting and simultaneously simple idea, that's always good! Nice approach to the theme! Pretty aggressive snake :) , it is kinda hard to escape from it. Although, we enjoyed it! Well done!
Probably a bug: The box can stuck in some cases. It can also be moved, even if the player is not close to it, but it has grabbed it.

The core mechanic looks pretty innovative and for sure in-theme! 
We are curious to see what follows!

Thank you for your feedback and for your embracing words!
Progression mechanic and improvements in combat system are in our future plans! Diablo, we are coming XD

Thanks a lot, hope you had great time playing the game!

Indeed, we designed a small level, just to prototype the core mechanics of the game. New content coming soon!
Yes, the cursor had a bad design, which indicates the existence of a dialogue box. You gave us the idea to actually add one and make the game more intractable. Thank you for your idea!
This feature is now uploaded and you can give it a try. We hope that you will have fun!

We hope that you enjoyed it!
Yes, the cursor had an actual bug. Thank you that you found it! It is now fixed and uploaded in the latest version.

Thank you for the feedback!

We tried to implement a prototype with a combat system that is quite enjoyable for the player, but it is true that it needs a lot of improvements.
About the second part, yeah, it needs a little bit of exploration to figure out your next steps :). We have uploaded some changes that we believe improve the level pacing. Hopefully, they are good enough :)