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A member registered May 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)


I'm a 25 year old animator, and modeler who is looking for paid work with 3D games. I have been doing animation since 2016 and have been practicing ever since. As for 3D modeling, I have been working with it since 2018.
I use Blender to create animations and 3D models.


What I can do with 3D animation:

  • provide semi-realistic animation quality
  • provide cartoonish animation quality
  • provide low framerate animation quality
  • create facial animations
  • create root motion animations
  • provide cutscenes

What I can do with 3D modeling:

  • create semi-realistic models/props
  • create weapons (from melee to ranged)
  • nicely follow the concept art of the models
  • create clean topology flow to get a good deformation
  • create clean UV Maps to get a good resolution in textures
  • get the correct dimensions of the models to avoid needing to edit the scale inside the game engine (correct bounding box of an object as reference required)

What I cannot do currently:

  • hyper realistic animation
  • foliage models (grass and trees)
  • hyper realistic models
  • cannot fix models (if the model is beyond repair and would require a rework)

Length of availability: Anytime


Here is my animation work:

Here is my 3D modeling work:

Rates/Payment Method: I only accept payment through Paypal.
The price for the assets is the following:
€70 per 30 seconds for semi-realistic cutscene
€50 per 30 seconds for cartoonish cutscene
€20 per 30 seconds for low framerate cutscene
€7 per in-game animation that has a length of 20 or more frames
€3 per in-game animation that has less than 20 frames
€50 for a semi-realistic character model
€5 per semi-realistic prop model
€40 for a stylized character model
€3 per stylized prop model

Price can be negotiated.

Status: Closed

Contact Method:You can talk to me through DM on Discord (Maker26)

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Why show an unrelated video?

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I'm looking for a team that creates actually fun game projects that contain a good story and fun gameplay.

I am capable of creating 3d models (weapons, characters, props), 3d animations, and a bit of unreal engine blueprint programming.
I've been modeling for over 3 years and animating for over 6 years and wish to use these skills on fun projects that could make out into the public.
If your game is being made with unity, its fine.

Here's where I keep my animations:
Here's where I keep mostly my 3d models and a little bit of 2D work:
And here's a demo reel with additional work:

I've also made a game project by myself which took me quite a bit to get it working properly:
The only thing I own there are the animations, the teletubby house model, and the models inside it and the custard model. The cutscenes are made by me. The rest are premade and edited assets and character models.

If you're interested into having me in your team, feel free to contact me on discord. My nick is maker26 (note for those who don't know: discord got an update where usernames MUST be unique, so the numbers after the nick is no longer a thing)

Hya. I've been working on a game project that is supposed to be a remake of an old 3D arcade game from 2007. That old 3D game was about finding precious treasure in each castle and get the highest score. But the problem about that game is that its too repetitive and could've had more things which could've made it more fun to play.
This remake is supposed to have lots of features which could improve gameplay and make it more fun to finish, aswell as adding logical restrictions which the old game did not have (e.g. requirements for entering a bonus level). It is also made to have more than one game mode in order to make the gameplay more fun to play.

Most of the programming part is done, but its still in development, level layouts are being worked on so we know what to expect when we build the rooms, the new gamemode still needs a couple of tweaks before it feels complete.

We're currently a team of 2 wanting to fill up their portfolio with more work and to finally go somewhere with game development. Right now we need someone who is able to help us getting a better picture of how the remake could look like aswell as how some of the stuff from the old game could be changed into.

The payments are revshare, meaning everyone gets to be paid if the game will do good after releasing it to the public. 

The game project is made with unreal engine 5 since it offers more tools from the start to build things quicker.

Here's a little demonstration of what the current progress of the project looks like:

If you're interested into helping out feel free to contact me on discord: maker26
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Sorry, already taken
Will probably reopen sometime later

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I am offering my skills as a 3D animator with 6 years of animation experience and a 3D Artist with 4 years of modeling experience to your game projects.

The project must not be something that would take an awful amount of time if the team is too small for it. 
Please have EVERYTHING planned out before working on your project.

Here are my portfolios:

Here are other projects I worked with:

You can contact me over here: (paused) 

Edit: Paused for now


Could you please send it again, didn't know it was you

You can contact me on discord


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Hya. I can help out with the animations.

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I'm offering service as a 3D animator, rigger and a 3d artist for your project. 

I've got:
► 6 years of 3D animation experience
► 4-5 years of rigging experience
► 3-4 years of modeling experience
► 2 years of texture painting experience (2D/3D and a bit of pixel art)
► 1 year of sculpting experience

I use Blender to create what I need. 
I can also prepare the assets in unreal or unity to save time.

I won't:
► Use mocap (don't have it and can't afford it yet)
► Make really weird assets even if they're SFW (I'll let you know what exactly I won't do if you show me examples)
► Create assets similar to those published from the internet (those that are not from the TV shows or known games, unless its a fan game you are making)

► $15 - $20 for 3-6 in-game animations
► $10 - $20 for a 5 - 10 second cutscene animation or scene
► $10 - $40 on a 3D model depending on its quality
► Free on editing existing assets that are NOT from the internet (no more than 5 times)
► $5 - $10 on editing existing asset from the internet if its for a fan game only

If you need me to edit something you've made which requires improvement, its free. But will only do that 5 times. It can be an animation, a skeleton or a 3D model that needs to be unsubdivided or have its topology flow fixed or its UV fixed.

You can contact me on discord (Maker26#3986)

Here are my portfolios:
 (just the main character animations and the enemy animations (OLD))
 (just the boss animations (OLD))
 (The terrain in both levels are made by me, the enemies both modeled and animated by me, cutscene animations made by me (OLD))

Quick note: The links may send you to the wrong page for some strange reason. I recommend doing a copy paste instead to access them