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A member registered Jun 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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I made a (mostly complete) game with your assets and though I'd share it. This is my first game so it's may bug a little. This is a opera.gx only game right now so it's also gonna lag.

I made a (mostly complete) game with your assets and though I'd share it. This is my first game so it's may bug a little. This is a opera.gx only game right now so it's also gonna lag.

I made a (mostly complete) game with your assets and though I'd share it. This is my first game so it's may bug a little. This is a opera.gx only game right now so it's also gonna lag.

I made a (mostly complete) game with your assets and though I'd share it. This is my first game so it's may bug a little. This is a opera.gx only game right now so it's also gonna lag.

I made a (mostly complete) game with your assets and though I'd share it. This is my first game so it's may bug a little. This is a opera.gx game only right now so it's also gonna lag.

Will do!

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Hi, I downloaded these adorable robots for my game, but can't find the basic robots animation. Do I need to pay for the basic bots animations?

Edit: Nvm I found the animations, I'll be sure to give you credit when my game is done! 

A fun fun and simple game; But there should be a direction indicator on the obstacles so I'm not playing a guessing game.

The games hard, but I don't think its bad. However I dont like being able to go offscreen. 

It was a really fun game, solid work. 

I dont really like how I sometimes just sit and wait for the robot to help me, but the graphics and stuff are great.

The game is fun, maybe too easy? I think the game should be a bit less repetitive.

I disagree, you just got to go slow and steady.

Fun, just wish the spikes weren't so long.

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The programming's a little tedious but overall really well done!

The controls are a bit floaty but still fun.

This game has gotten better. I'm liking it!

I don't know how to play. Can you give controls in the desc.

Bug Report:

You can't start the game while in full screen.

That's too bad, but I understand

I'm excited for a patch/update. I know you'll make it great.

Epic boss fight

2 issues

1. The game is super easy because walls are overpowered.

2. After wave 7 is (easily) beat you can't replay.

The muti-ball modification was cool, you should add more!

looking forward to it

I'm looking forward to the finished version

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Dos problemas menores.

1. No dices los controles

2. El bocinazo del auto es MUY fuerte

Aparte de eso, ¡me divertí!

Two minor issues.

1. You dont say the controls

2. The car honk is WAY to loud

Other then that, I had fun!

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I think you best bet is to watch this  video.

Of course it's your choice on if you change it.

What game engine do you use, maybe I could help fix the hitboxes.

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I'm not really giving feedback on your fun game, more just reporting bugs.

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If that's so, maybe make the danger zone go up and down (or forwards and backwards).

I'm glad.

I wish you could choose the difficulty of the CPU you fight.

The game would be more fun with smaller sprites, it feels to cramped.

Also forcing people to refresh to play again isn't fun and feels cheap.