BUG? "Getting the "beyond here lies" message doesn't encounter cancel, and it follows me into the battle menu, and then says "enemy emerged" as well.
Probably not relevant unless you're gonna use the feature outside of the demo.
Reentering Quasha Caves at least, regens chests? Not sure if intentional.
Trying to enter the caves to the right of Quasha (Cevik Heights?) doesn't give a prevention message?
Dimel Commander:
Black Knight: News of it's defeat > News of its defeat
plauged with witches > plagued with witches
"Opening a chest should, in fact, perform an encounter cancel."
Yeah, I didn't mean on the 0-frame, just that it encounter-canceled.
"You can fast-forwarding any in-game text message text by holding CTRL and/or ALT. This method is true across any MZ game I’ve made, more or less. Knowing this should alleviate this issue somewhat for future plays. An alternate solution would be to remove level-up messages entirely, but, I don’t exactly feel good about that alternative?"
I just mash Confirm (X), queuing all the level ups so they don't take up only one line of a box that can hold 4 would be what I expected? Especially since I do want to know who did(n't) level up.
However, it might also behoove me to remove the Rune slots from the optimize method entirely. Either of these options would mean making exceptions in the code, and I’ve doubts one method would be strictly “easier” to do than the other.
Oh, well, good luck. In-case removing runes from the optimization is easier, it'd be better to do that, because the optimization is less clear with all the spells / techs available?