Heh. One party where Friend Defender isn't such a good idea, since Astra seems to Support sooo much better than Brill!
Woo Dialogue! Good luck with further progress!
Recent community posts
So, if there's been any area expansion, I haven't found it, just tried to leave Cevik Heights then turned back to check the spells.
Only inconsistency is how most runes say "imbues grandmaster X" but Elementalist, Angel, Devil, and Omniscience all say "at grandmaster level".
When selecting the Skill option in the status screen, the character initially selected seems to be memorized as "last character you saw the skills of", which makes the screen scroll immediately if they're not on screen? Intentional?
Grandmaster Axe: Cresent, should be Crescent?
And the "Chamkaq" only seems useful as a Vagrant Story ref, not a real world type of axe?
Romphaia > Rhomphaia
Gastraphetes instead of the Vagrant Story Gastraph Bow maybe.
Oh, Studded Leather armor isn't a real thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/ajkwzh/psa_studded_leather_was_created...
Fusskampf armor's only useful as a reference? Fußkampf = Foot Combat apparently.
And Missgalia armor maybe should be https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Missaglias_Armor
15th best rated: https://itch.io/games/top-rated/genre-rpg/platform-web/tag-rpgmaker
You're the 27th most popular and the 14th best rated, in this category. Congrats: https://itch.io/games/genre-adventure/platform-web/tag-rpgmaker
I tried to run the game again and made my first new steps!
When above the Lava Zone, in the town tile before the double watchtower bridge, Kalena gives me "Hell I'm not walking into that puddle of lava" when I haven't even unlocked that area in World Map glow?
Heh tree keeper!
Hmm. I could unlock the Snowy Temple before I entered the Volcano area, no? No, I need the Gemini...
And I won! Mother has eyes in more than the back of her head. heh
Good dialogue! Good music!
Got ??? in my party now! Cottom, not Cotton robes?
Lol I can run to the jewelry store and sell my clothes for 25 C! Wait, does that mean I can buy stuff and use all my 50 C?
Also, when I get the money back, why am I missing 30 C not 20? Racism? Annd I can burn my 50 C on the Inn lol.
Oh, the game's complete? Congrats!
Lol Barkley. Druid wood etc. Came from Magical Girl Priscilla! Yay for games that can be played in browser!
Routing with boulders is weird, sometimes being on one side and clicking the other doesn't push the boulder but just routes around it.
That I lose Elora's non-elemental attacks when in Druid form was unexpected and annoying?
Druid form doesn't even seem that good because of that loss? Heck, beat the final boss without Druid and without items. I wonder if the other ending comes from Druiding.
Typo: Divini: Seek out the elemental faries > Seek out the elemental fairies
Interesting! Probably just bad location that the first possible chest is right when it would also cancel an encounter, making opening that chest basically cost 7 ECN instead of just 5.
Okay, only found a few typos because I was checking runes because I wanted to get put Blind as an Active rune for more damage again lol. Forgot what Passive Runes mean lol
Sourge Rune > Scourge Rune
Tourture Rune > Torture Rune
Freezing and Dust Runes: air > wind [?]
Encompassing Rune: enchanment > enchantment
Status passives: techinques > techniques
Seeker Rune: encouters > encounters
Heh, crowns! Wow that's a big ATK boost for longer-term battles! Nice! I wonder if the colors-elements conform to the Chess Golems...
At least the weaknesses match. Really good for fighting the Chess Golems that share the Crown color because it boosts the damage. But it also makes her weak like the same color. Huh. Situational.
Still, better for the damage over long-term fights. Needs more thought than I have right now to use it optimally, but it's nice to have on hand.
Was looking at the Adaptive Damage TVTropes draft: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/discussion.php?id=o6fd9nbvr8rnryh2d0oqzhcn
And was wondering how smart Dynamis Jolt is. Does it run through the whole damage calculation for each type of damage to judge which element to use? With "15 Neutral or Thunder Damage" and 1x Block Buster, I was thinking of possible rare cases where the Block Buster would make Thunder stronger than it would be otherwise.
Or is Block Buster applied regardless of damage type? Never used the potion myself.
You're welcome! I'm not sure how ECN limit increases, and not sure there's anywhere left for me to poke around...
So focusing on typo reports:
Poison magic, should be well, that. Not Posion.
Vile / Geo / Holy / Life / Esuna line of spells: bouns > bonus
Elementalast Rune [Pun? Like Ultimate / Final / Last? heh.] Or just Elementalist?
Bought an Omniscience so I can see all spells
Life line: conciousness > consciousness
Final Fantasy ref: Esnua > Esuna [?]
That should be every spell? Hopefully. Haven't looked at the weapons?
Thanks for the update! May game making go smoothly! Dinner for me.
Potion weirdness: On the screen to select who to use a potion on, it has big text, but then after using the potion on someone, the text shrinks down to what it's like in the main status menu?
From testing with a Lester, Janice, Richard LV 1 party in the Quaysha Caves, it seems like:
Two Crows are LV 7.
Mushmen are level 3 or so?
And Mosquitoes are level 8 or something.
And Goblins are probably level 2.
To help me visualize things a bit, you’d have a party-list that could look like, using boldface for active characters…
- Lester
- Richard
- Janice
…so? Something like this was certainly possible earlier in an earlier build of the system, though, I might not have accounted for adding a character already in the party to an empty active slot.
Thanks for answering so soon! Sorry, that diagram's wrong:
If I have:
- Lester
- Richard
- Janice
Then try to put Lester in the empty third spot, then Lester and Janice swap to become: - Lester
- Janice
- Richard
Which I don't think can be predicted from how the cursor works? That's my only issue, that the player couldn't know that'd happen. But once it does, it's easy to remember at least. EDIT: It's also a minor thing, that I only discovered due to messing around for the bug, just noting because I didn't expect it.
I’m not sure if removing the condition, or making it an optional condition, is the right move, as I’m not sure if those functions have some decision-making processes in regards to how enemies determine their targets
Good caution!
Under what context are you getting this error? It would be supremely helpful to know!
Okay, slightly different from before, actually, now that I checked. Have the available be just Richard, Lester and Janice:
Use all three, navigate to an empty space, then try to "add" someone, and you should see “Type Error: Cannot read property ‘isHidden’ of undefined”
ALSO, making a Formation with less than everyone and trying to add someone who's already added into an empty space will add the first inactive person into the space of the person who was selected?
A.k.a: Party of Lester and Janice, with Richard inactive and trying to add Lester or Janice into the empty space, will add Richard to replace who I was trying to add?
Okay, I'm assuming ECN is working fine, and I just got really lucky in never seeing any LV 4 or 5 encounters when I was travelling for testing from Lorthil to the Quaysha Caves? What are the average levels of the overworld encounters?
BUG: Still have that "Cannot read property of undefined" possibility when it's still just Richard, Lester and Janice.
Seeing if I can get two level ups from 1 fight... Yes. No problems there! Needed to Ultima a Lucky Carded Black Knight with Janice though. On that note, the "Ray" line of spells: bouns > bonus
What controls how much ECN it takes to cancel an encounter?
Downloaded! ... Okay, the inability to Potion inactives makes how they take damage on levelling a bit more annoying, but again, probably just a demo thing.
Also not sure what's going on with the mega long line. Somehow typed a linespace?
Umm... There seems to be a lotta spelling issues, but at least everything's readable!
I will need equipament > I will need equipment
Sr. Smith: Slime aren't dangerus > Sr. Smith: Slimes aren't dangerous
Heh, Sra. Smith being glad! ... After, I think "receive" was spelt wrong...
Empty. Bottle: Can storage strange liquids > Empty Bottle: Can store strange liquids
Daggar > Dagger
Lol funny first quest! Woo! Seeing 3 of the 5 screenshots!
Good reason to avoid Aura! And can't go back after reverting! hehe! Ooh, Slime Jelly and regular jelly are different!
Ooh! Cool! Redrawing a regular RTP monster in your own style! ... Bil > Bill ... Woah, color change! And heh status change! Banner image makes sense now too! Slime-based biomorphing! Reminds me of https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/33491/slime-girl
Heh, deliveries. Jelly Belly Elly puns! Woo! Uh, probably shouldn't sleep face down, probably would be better face up? / back down? Ooh, yep, color is intentional! Aww! Speech! Woah, terrifying / scary backstory! Cheery music. heh. Also Orange is now a status effect! Woo! Glad I checked the cake! And looking back at save 1, cool! It changes! ... Okay, probably bombarded you with enough questions. Maybe I'll join the Discord for all this indepth stuff instead!
Actually, maybe after people start chatting in there tomorrow. Lacto Chapel bottom left: Workshiper > Worshipper? Lol Lacto. ... Then again, could get Mother of a Thousand Young creepy. Probably not. ... Oh, I just saw Lacto. I thought it was just background art! Ha!
Holy shit, it's been, what, less than a day, and the Carn Slime already got to the capital maybe? It moves FAST!
Yay! I can pacifist until Big Blue! Now at level Goo!
Spoilers so putting this low... And padding out the space needed with typo checks.
After eating all that Jelly, I'm not sure if Elly's shirt should be blue or the more purply in the itch.io screenshot.
When's the earliest impact of the censorship option? I'm trying both versions to see what changes, and I'm losing track of which file is which.
Woo! El-protag! Woo! Slimes! Heh, slightly reminds me of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_World,_My_Way_(video_game)
Pretty opening screen and good opening question! Lol tiny text. gonna try the other option to see what happens! No difference! Heh! Ooh, history! ... Maybe somehow put a note saying "hold confirm to speedup text"? Good thing I tried!
Fun narrator name!
dowloaded > downloaded
Also the "skip" should explain what I'm skipping?
Lol closet. Taking diary should probably remove it? And can't use it immediately. hmm.
Bath: saturday > Saturday
Gosh, so many fun descriptions, more motivation to make that trope. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/article_history.php?article=Administrivia.TropeIdeaS...
Congrats on being ~35th top rated, but 2nd most popular right now in the Slime tag!
For other tags, try Female Protagonist, JRPG, RPG Maker
Too bad we can't do HTML in comments?
Oh, I found a false pattern! Pattern Spoilers:
I thought the Guardians were like Minotaurs, but instead of 1 space away from a Chest, they were 2 spaces or something.
You got a Ars Technica article! Congrats! https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2025/02/dragonsweeper-is-my-favorite-game-of-2025...