Thank you!
Recent community posts
I see what you mean! I'm really new to this Bitsy engine and coding/game dev in general so I'm not too sure how to make things on a surface level without like a tutorial or something..
I think some of my biggest wonders were how you did these:
-The Moving of the Dumpster while everything else seemed to stay in place
-Rooms change and objects/tiles in these rooms have new dialogue when you come back after doing tasks
-Larger sprites for the Animatronics
-These bits of dialouge that happen when moving forward to a location that only happen once and more dialogue is in front
-How you made it matter whether you picked the Wrench or not when confronting Freddy
-How you darkened different parts of the room when you entered other parts
-Anything that would include Dialogue Choices!
Thank you very much for the help! I'm in the Discord too and will talk to you soon! I'm Mae!
Also if you wanna try my game I'd be happy if you could give advice for what I could do better or if there's Kool hacks that might help!
Thanks again!
That's no issue! I don't have any actual coding experience so I can't complile my own latest build with the HD abilities so I am trying to rely on that 6.0 version.
However when I download it it just shows a black screen where the sprites and world is supposed to be, but I can't tell if it's on my end or if it would benefit from being hosted on itself. If you got any ideas on how it's supposed to work then let me know!
Thanks! Your tools are something I've been looking for and appreciate! Even though this 5.2 build is a little outdated and harder than the newest one, 6.0 is something I think is good enough!