Recent community posts
Also if your doing the inside of the ship just make the outside black or blank.
What I did was have the inside and outside on the ship made within the same image.
When I put in it game just crop the image and upload it to your DND thingy or just have one obscured by fog of war and just scoot the players on it when reliant.
It's allows for players to be above and below deck without having to switch between maps.
This is the link for the MHA with the cruise ship. Poke me if it doesn't work
So say if you make the boat how you like it. You can rotate the image afterwards so it's facing another direction.
My advice would be play around with vertical and diagonal walls to get the right shape. For water I don't use the actual texture that is water I instead use a texture that looks like waves when blue.
The reason is I can colour wooden planks a shade lighter so it looks like it's becoming submerged but that's extra fancy.
Again see the map I made of the cruise ship for ideas, it's under MHA pack.
You can actually do that, one of my maps for the MHA as in that collection I made is a cruise ship that is sinking. What I would do is make the boat, save the map as is then just make copies of it editing the map around the boat . ect.
There are also map assests in another post I made that might be useful to you. Generic stuff that crates are good for ships, I believe there is an anchor amongst it but intrepret the items as you see fit
This links to a folder that has every asset that was uploaded to this site. Authors are credited.
This is for easy download and asset management as each asset is now named something relivant to what it is instead of just z32dsjs ect.
This page just links to the maps made on this site. Last checked 18/08/2021. Yeah I got too much time on my hands. I will update this time to time.
https://itch.io/t/760419/my-map-of-bath-house by szjudo (Bath house)
https://itch.io/t/757335/thanks-first-map by Saintblue1131 (big palace, several floors)
https://itch.io/t/764773/desert-ruins by Ferand (Desert ruins)
https://itch.io/t/762441/sunny-glade-encounter-map by Ferand (Sunny Glade)
https://itch.io/t/760792/pirate-encampment-map by Ferand (pirate camp)
https://itch.io/t/760835/first-map-kuo-toa-caves by elbilos (sea cave)
https://itch.io/t/846848/first-map-humble-cabin by Chewier (Wood cabin)
https://itch.io/t/804337/three-maps-for-a-call-of-cthulhu-oneshot-by Lloyxide (Horror, house)
https://itch.io/t/1047483/transport-shuttle-cc-requested by EvanoHirabe (Space shuttle)
https://itch.io/t/896204/new-map-the-abbey-of-st-elimine by wylie89 (Abbey)
https://itch.io/t/1069241/so-i-made-this by SrOloko (Office with sci-fi stuff)
https://itch.io/t/1387952/residence-ground-floor-and-first-floor by Verticor (House with 2 floors)
https://itch.io/t/1591568/hi-these-are-some-maps-i-made-for-a-campaign-steal-the... by me! (Whole bunch of strange maps for a HMA themed campaign... yeah odd.
This is a link to my google drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14brgWcWFiBlQ1CyP5Vi938cBkH7TlbI2?usp=sha...
I made these assets in a free program called Pixelorama. The blood pentagram isn`t mine, I just recoloured it.
I`m more proud of the blood. I will upload the set of maps related to what I`m working on now, the map below is part of it.
Here is some examples