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A member registered Nov 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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why are people mad about the KanexWilliam sex scene?

please help build the Burrows fanwiki

this VN deserves a fanwiki

watch out, Kobu's twin brother twice removed might see you 

seriously, those H.A.L.O.s illusions are just hilarious

I gotta say it

that part where Cedric told Ridley that he is "ten times the man he is", I thought it was kinda cringey and condescending

like, the first thing that came to my mind after I read that line was this: 

I imagine what it would be if I was in his shoes, if I came out to somebody and they started going on about how "brave" I am, or how the love between me and my (non-existent) boyfriend is so much purer than their love, I would honestly be embarrassed

hey, so we are having this argument in the Echo Project Wiki over William's sexuality, about whether he is homosexual or bisexual, if is not a bother, would you mind settling the matter?

the Repeat Wiki needs some love

there is a Burrows FanWiki page

it really could use some love

I estimate that TSR is between 63-67% completed

so I'm been watching Keith Ballard's LP of Password and a recurring critique is that none of the characters have a unique voice, they all speak of everything in the same manner, so I would like to help fix that, with my completely unqualified advice based on amateur knowledge of linguistic psychology, I will say which way I think the characters would speak based of their personalities, and hopefully would help make their voices distinct if implemented, maybe, I'm not a writer so who knows

Orlando, Hoss, and Oswin: Syllogistic Form (Given X, then Y; If-then statements, conditional logic); Declarative Form (Sentences are declared as clear-cut statements, with closure);

Orlando and Hoss: Persuasive Cadence (Pacing, word choice, and delivery meant to maximize affect); Familiar Tone (Friendly, colloquial tone to invoke relatability and camaraderie); but how to make Orlando and Hoss' voices distinct from each other?

Oswin: Blunt Delivery (Matter-of-fact language, straightforward and unadorned); Avalanching Facts (Communication via an impersonal series of causal events news anchor style);

Dave and Dean: Self-referencing ("I" language, subjective opinion/belief-centered grammar); Terseness (Brief, minimalist language, stating things statically without much elaboration);

Dave: Ontological Clarifying (Heavy time spent defining initial "terms" and avoiding equivocations); Semantic Disclaimers (Preemptive addressing of common misunderstandings, to ensure comprehension);

Dean: Self-revealing language (Candid details of personal life, oversharing); Direct affirmation of self-properties (Declaring what one is directly, without speculation);

Tyson: Short Phrases (With quick follow-ups); Casual language (Informal tone and style); Vivid Realism (Description of objects/experiences in visceral detail, highlighting the overall feeling evoked); Trendy Language (On-trend slang words and references);

Roswell, Sal, and Benson: Dense Information (Reference-rich, information-heavy sentences); Long Elaborations (Prolonged backstories, long paragraphs, and buildup);

Benson: Backstory & Context (Thorough setup and backstory provided for a given point or topic); Step-by-Step Elaboration (Explanations that follow a brick-by-brick narrative sequence);

Roswell and Sal: Convergent Events (Rather than one linear chronology, the past is explained as events crossing paths); Cross-Domain Synthesis (Tying different domains/layers into the present topic, as real or as metaphors); but how to make Roswell and Sal's voices distinct from each other?

this is all probably bullshit, I would appreciate it if someone who actually knows how to write dialogue would give their 2 cents

Sloth Ludwig is so hot

I estimate that TSR is between 61-67% completed

(1 edit)

theory time: i was thinking of the identity of the entity beneath the city, here's my idea, it is a "good" echo, we know that there is something (or multiple things) on Echo that seems to feed of suffering and trauma, in Arches is implied that there are inumerable echos around the world, but all we saw until now have feed on negative emotions and are generally malicious, but the entity in Schippersburg seems to feed on hope and is benevolent, is possible that both entities share a common origin

i estimate that TSR is between 60-67% completed

(2 edits)

so I've been watch Keith Ballard's let's play of Password, and has brought up several criticisms, i have a idea of how the first 3 days could be re-written to alleviate some of the problems, keep in mind that i am no writer and this just a fan's opinion, also i'm not on patreon so if anything i talk about has already been fixed in the new builds that's why, Spoilers ahead

start day one with Roswell making a big scene of Tyson's appearance (it's kinda weird we only see Dean's individual reaction despite his lack of connection to Tyson, my guess it was to set up a romantic rivalry but it never goes anywhere, except that kinda sudden fight in Benson's bad end, anyway is weird that Roswell and Orlando don't get a reaction until Roswell suddenly begins harassing Tyson later), but begrudgingly relenting to let him go (thereby starting the vacation in a bad note and providing a reason why they don't hang out together as often as one would expect), day 1 spend first with Tyson and latter Dean establishing any vital information (things like how are their relationship with Dave and each other, who knows about Dave's dad, who was in high school together, who doesn't know each other well, basically any important character information that Dave already knows about at this point), day 2 do the same for Sal and Hoss, and day 3 for Roswell and Orlando, imply that they are mad at Dave and have been avoiding him until now, but don't have them address the issue head on yet, so Roswell later actions and the call out Dave gets later make sense, i would also establish that Dave is depressed because of his father's death from the beginning (probably day 2 or 3), because right now we only find out about it at the end of day 8, and then in day 9 he starts his depressive spiral, this harms the emotional catharsis of day 14 because the change in his behavior shouldn't be a mystery to those who knew of what happened (which at that point is everyone except Hoss and Sal if you are not in his route), but if is established that Dave is putting up a "everything is fine" facade then the reveal of how much this was affecting Dave makes much more sense, also i would move the blocking of the road to day 9, because it makes no sense in path B how they don't just leave for days after finding Oswin's body, the reason given is because they don't want one of them to be incriminated, but that excuse falls flat when you notice it wasn't a concern in any of the previous bad endings

anyway i hope the feedback helps, love the game, personal top 10, but it could be better

i estimate that TSR is between 58-65% completed

i estimate that TSR is between 56-65% completed

i estimate that TSR is somewhere between 54 to 65% completed

i assuming William will be saved for last

(1 edit)

i'm guessing TSR is about 60% done

are Dominic and Jack actually dating?

are any of the routes finished?

i do so think that there should be more FVN with trans characters

wasn't because of, like, EVERYTHING in this side story?

his father is a monster, two of his "friends" straight up hate him, and he finds out his older brother is being molested, he decides there's no reason to live in a loveless world, he gives one last try by confessing his crush, but gets his heart broken, so he ends it

what do you mean? both Sam Sr. and Jr. are dead by the time Grey meets Virgil

with Arches ending i would like to ask for help filling out the Arches TvTropes page

Lawful Good vs Chaotic Good

from what i understand there seems to be a hierarchy of species that exists as a separate categorical from race and nationality, from what we saw until now, ungulates are at the bottom, aquatic animals are low, canines and birds are high, and marsupials are just above mustelids, the rest of hierarchy hasn't been elaborated on

woah, that was... i think i need a moment to process all that.

i want to set Chad's dad on fire

apparently the plan is to finish Sissel's route before going back to TB

do we have confirmation on Duke's last name?

can wait for the final build to go public, i'm guessing it will be around May 19 based on the average patreon to itchio of Arches 

the PASSWORD TvTropes page has just been created

by u/nguyenquocthao on Reddit

i would like to ask for help to give that page more content

i'm curious, what does mnesis means?

by my calculations approximately 57 to 58%

tried that already

oh, i assumed that one was Sagittarius like in the end of path B, thanks for the clarification

(1 edit)

i though that was scorpio, since Thanatos mentions that it was given to us by the one who started all this

i want to reboot my game so i can replay it without missing the route specific stuff or having to re-read the same day 6 times, how do i do that?