This is one of those games that will go down as a "classic" one day! So much fun and the "spookyness" is more on the cute side of things, but still, a great game!
Short, sweet and spooky. Just the way I like them!
Real cool game! Would have loved to see more of it! Maybe different scenarios or different endings to it. But great game non the less!
I have a "thing" for N4bA's games! Love them! Scary indeed! And this one is no different!
Loved it! Had a nice "house-flipper-vibe" to it, then shit just got spooky!
Love the first part a lot! That was real fun! And then being thrown into the second part... I wanna see more games like this!
It has the mood set for sure. Not too scary and I'm not really following the story, but with some work it could be a masterpiece!