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A member registered Feb 14, 2018

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That's good news. ...Away from my PC... Doh! If only I could play it on android ...But that's a whole other story, no doubt. Will take a look when I get back to PC gaming.

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It's beautiful dudes. love the artwork and the animation of the foxes especially.

Only thing that doesn't really work for me is the footprints because they don't show a direction of travel (as real footprints do) so they're not much use... and they seemed to be on every path - do they fade with time? But the tracking idea there is really cool and could be very absorbing if tweaked.

...Oh, and there's spelling mistakes in the tutorial - see comment from Daxterapid below.

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... 'Don't stand too close' would be better. :-D

And again: 'Left click a fox to select it' - not - '...too select it'.

'Too' is used to show an excess: too close, too far, too big, too little etc.

Two men came to meet me, I left because they took too long.

...Only saying because your games too beautiful to be brought down by spelling mistakes.

Two years on and I find myself looking for a game like that little prototype, Moonlight Fortress, I played 2 years ago. ...The magic was strong in that one.  

Pleased to see you're developing it into a full game now. Looking forward to playing Yokai Moon. 

A well designed game, satisfying and addictive with it. 

I've played for perhaps 10 hours and am only about halfway through. The tech trees are extensive and keep things progressing nicely.

The only suggestion I might have for the devs at this stage (but not a gripe) is that the colours and some of the 'buildings' are are just a little bland and it could be easier to differentiate between the various processing plants. It would be good to have something to make their product obvious at a glance perhaps. With that said, I didn't find it annoying as it is, I just feel it'd be more exciting to look at with slightly more distinct buildings. Perhaps some flashing pin-prick lights on the buildings or something might just bring it to life a bit more.

Thanks for a great game, impressive.


Very nice looking demo, promising. Clean, slick design work, would like to see more.

One issue for feedback: 

It looks gorgeous but there were moments where my eyes felt strained while looking around quickly - the post processing, lens blur effect and the permanent 'water droplets on the lens' overlay thing all going on at the same time... I had that feeling of wearing someone's glasses and straining to focus. 

I'd definitely want to the option to disable those effects if I was playing for any length of time. 

No problemo.

I think some clear incentives for the player... I guess crafting often creates the incentive to explore in open world games - you find new things to progress the character-  but in your game exploration wasn't bringing any feeling of progress since I wasn't finding items or things I could interact with. Since I wasn't finding those things to keep my interest in the landscape I pretty quickly got  unsure whether running further was worth the time. 

So, if there are towns and things around (I read that I think) there needs to be smaller things inbetween those to hold a players interest. 

Just to let you know, I'm a patient player, I generally enjoy exploration and slow-burn games.

Played a couple of 20 minute sessions but couln't find anything to do.

It seems to be a known issue but the mini map and main map aren't working. The minimap seems to rotate in the reverse direction from the player and is otherwise fixed in one spot. So, I couldn't go to any markers which I'm guessing is where the game is supposed to get going.

A few suggestions all the same... 

There's no guide to what the game's about, what the player's meant to do - either on this page or in the game, all I had was studying the control key layout to try and get an idea what might be possible, or not.

The world feels lacking any real interactivity - the only thing I found that I could vaguely interact with was the mana stone things. For an open world game that seemed a bit strange. 

I found using the bow too long winded - 20 arrows or whatever to kill a sheep is a bit weird. ...And just getting xp after that made it feel like a waste of effort.

When firing on an animal the path of the arrow often seemed blocked by the player's body so I was left guessing where exactly the arrow hit.

Not a fan of the neon flavor colour scheme, personally. The vector graphics are cool but with those colours I found it lacking atmosphere to get immersed in - there's a kinda kids fun park feel to it, with the music too. Maybe you were targeting younger players but, if not, I didn;t feel anything drawing me into that world really.  I think the player himself needs a little more design work too along the same lines, not much there to connect with. 

That all sounds kindas harsh, but it wasn't intended... It looks like a lot of work is going into that game so thought I should give some honest feedback.

Yes, beautiful little game, enjoyed the physics and the quirky narrator.  

A few notes for the dev because I liked it...


The in-air dash seemed to shoot me off at a 45' angle to the right so I couldn't use it.

The 'Oh, he jumped in the water!' (or whatever it was) got a bit annoying, I heard that a few too many times trying to get across the ships. 

My PC did seem to be struggling to run it, tearing, jittering - bit curious considering what it is... and what my PC is - i7, 8GB ram, 4gb GPU

Nicely done. Atmospheric, twists and turns.

Nice feel to it, worth exploring the idea further I think. Maybe the camera could reset to a decent position for each scene so you're not entering a room with the player out of sight behind the wall etc.

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Nice. Great concept giving a laid back yet immersive gaming experience. Loving the scandinavian theme also, I haven't come across that in a game before and I found it very evocative.  I'd buy if it were developed into a full game.