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A member registered Apr 08, 2020

Recent community posts

Found this error today. By the way I love this game, can't stop playing.

This was a lot of fun. Playing this made me feel like I was back at the arcade inserting coins into the machine to try my luck again. I would love to see a cabinet for this.

I really really dug this gem of a game. If this was on Android I would easily pay to snatch it up in heartbeat.

Are Tabletop Role-Playing Games included in this jam? Or is it just storytelling and narrative Video Games?

I have to say I've been going through all the Racial Justice and Equality bundle and cataloging everything for me to check out in more depth later but this is the first concept/game that made me stop, print it out, and play it. All in all, thank you for this game.

Thank you so much for this game. Since my gaming went digital I went ahead and made a PC Tracker on Google Sheets for online play. I'm sharing it here for anybody to use.