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A member registered Dec 10, 2016

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i'd just like to point out that starting from the last version (v165) you can get rid of both cards and relic things in the menu in between combats

thanks! not sure how i missed it, i tend to be unable to use my brain on occasion. Good job with the game so far i'm looking forward to the full release!

how does one find v0.0.2? when i click the download now button i only get v0.0.1

could you add the ability to re-size the screen? the fact that just a bit of the bottom gets cut off really bugs me, that or a fullscreen would be really nice. keep up the good work!

i've also beat the game quite a few times (along with dome of my friends) but i was wondering if you could tell us how many secret characters there are? i found Mario and i remember finding a girl character, but have never been able to find her again, or maybe i was just hallucinating, its happened before. if you do end up finishing the game could you please move the part where the secret characters are? it bugs me how Mario is kind of in the middle left of the bottom of the screen, it makes me think that there is a lot more hidden characters, or that i mist a bunch in the previous levels. 

thanks for making a great game! i'll be looking forward for the full version if it ever comes out!

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' *downloads v160*

this is hard, but manageable, *"beats" first boss in 3 attempts*

*beats HER is 6 attempts* yeah, not too bad

*checks 3 weeks or so later, sees that OSFE no longer has demo in the title* WHAT!? RELEASE ALREADY?!

*sees that it's still in demo but v165* how much harder can this be? '

firstly i really like that i can ditch spells and check their affects in between battles it really helps for planning ahead,

but why does it feel so much harder? everything suddenly seems so much faster, is this because you sped it up? or is it just because i haven't played in a week... or 3.

just because i'm bad at the game doesn't mean i don't love it! the game is awesome

anyway, the purpose of this comment is to report a bug, in v165 the game crashes every time i click the restart button, and i have no idea why, i'm using a mac with the latest software btw

on mac you cant jump while moving it killed my run :C

what do you mean "Try forcefully giving it focus again." i tried pressing every button but that did nothing...

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd it works now that i checked it again... *facepalm*

i have an error, (unfortunately) when i try to run the game (mac version)after the 9 eyes logo (or what ever it it) the game goes to a black screen and doesn't change. can i get some help?

found a glitch :D if you go around the house at the very start (the left side) and go to the top then head left you get stoped by the piles of wood if you press down you end up on the reef :D (also you you hold up while your mother tells you to go to father you can no longer interact with her unless you leave the spot and come back)

okay, game braking bug my character cannot jump higher than the top of the "sea" in the first part there for i cannot get past the second pit of spikes so i actually cannot play the game. i'm not sure if its for mac or for keyboard (btw i am holding jump) but it doest work... help? 

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014)

2.6 GHz Intel Core i5

8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Macintosh HD

version 10.12.6

^ does that help?

so i noticed: so secrets why so many? what do they do ???????? i need answers

wheres the full game?

why i get " "SHRUBNAUT" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash." WHYYYYYY


if so, could you please make a "latest version" for mac? thank you in advance!

"Move making right click with your mouse"

Move using right click with your mouse

what does "Ludum Dare Version" mean in comparison to "Most Recent Version"

wow thats very informative XD

first of all there is no .zip file to extract or a .exe file to open and for some reason open emu doesn't work ether p.s. great grammar and spelling :P

how about a partially invisible missile that blinks so its hard to track or splitting missile so when it hits a wall it duplicates (for one bounce or two) if you don't use this its fine but maybe it will give you an idea!

don't worry about it and its not just your game i have the same problem with 8 other games and if you cant think of a way to help then don't worry about it its the thought that counts and thanks any way even it it didn't work in the end!

i cant play for some reason, it opens open emu but still doesn't work

i cant play :( for some reason when it opens it just shows a bunch of text and nothing happens i even pressed every button and still nothing happened please help (i'm on a mac)


the thing is nether of these things work unfortunately so i don't know what to do!

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its 1024, 640 also sometimes it goes white for a little while and it freezes temporarily i just tested it and it still happened its not much of a issue just a bit annoying (sorry for the late re-reply i had to water the plants at the house were selling XD)

its a great game but too short please make it longer!

you know what doesn't matter its fine don"t worry about it

okay so TOO MANY FLASHY LITES at least put a warning on the game and the writing is too hard to read and its killing my eyes please change this

for some reason you (the creator) didn't put a file to download with the download button please fix this!

thanks for trying to help but unfortunately it wont even let me open Ren'P so that option is out any other ideas? sorry for the inconvenience -mankyking1

when ever i try to do something in the setting menu it always breaks when i leave or try to edit anything please help

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unfortunately i cant play the game :( it seems to open then nothing happens so i tried spamming it but it still didn't work. so is there something i'm doing wrong or is the demo broken please help i really want to play the game! i'm using a mac with OS serria don't know if that matters though please help! i've has the same problem with a few other games too i need help!!!

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unfortunately i cant play the game :( it seems to open then nothing happens so i tried spamming it but it still didn't work. so is there something i'm doing wrong or is the demo broken please help i really want to play the game! i'm using a mac with OS serria don't know if that matters though please help! i also had the same problem with the first game what do i do?!?!?!

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unfortunately i cant play the game :( it seems to open then nothing happens so i tried spamming it but it still didn't work. so is there something i'm doing wrong or is the demo broken please help i really want to play the game! i'm using a mac with OS serria don't know if that matters though please help!

unfortunately i cant play the demo :( when i try to open it it says: "Game" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash. so is there something i'm doing wrong or is the demo broken please help i really want to play the game! i'm using a mac with OS serria don't know if that matters though please help!