A lot of love was put in that moving 2D model, and I appreciate it! The details were great --- I especially loved his embarrassed face. While I'm not usually into mindbreak content, I feel it would have fit here? Kenta seems the easily corruptible type, haha. But either way, great game!
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Yes! I totally get it. He reminded me a little of Homura in that way --- a girl who does care for others, but because she loves Madoka so much, that devotion eclipses all else. It seems Samir's love similarily damns him as much as it saves Camille, and vice versa. It's a horrifically beautiful thing.
By the way, the download zip you added seems to be for a different game? I thought I should let you know.
Oh, I love obsessive weirdos. And Samir turning into a ride-or-die freak over this obsession? A 10/10 writing decision. I would have loved seeing him rip off his own wings and present it to Cami like some fucked up promise ring. I can't wait for the downloadable version, so I can put this next to the greats, like Mogeko Castle or the Zeno remake! ^^
I saw this game on Eevee Expo and downloaded it there, but it's nice to see it on here as well! I loved how the pixel overworld spawned with Pokémon: the sprites are so cute, and it made team building a lot more fun, too (Schroomish unexpectedly carried me through that Cheren fight).
I'm only two hours in, but I'm excited to play more and see where you're going with N and his forced policies.
Not yet! I can only play the game during my downtime, so I haven’t gotten very far in the story (just two peaches). I also enjoy talking to everyone and exhausting their dialogue options, which eats up a lot of my game time… but it’s worth it!
And more omegaverse-themed games sound great! You’ve definitely piqued my interest in them. Maybe I’ll go back and re-appreciate my earlier encounters with omegaverse, too.
Of course. A project that took you 8 months of effort to finish deserves to be played, and if you do end up making any new content for this game… know that you’ll at least have one player lined up to play it. I definitely wanna know what’s up with Basil and the Mystery Guy.
And thank you for uploading Father’s theme! It’s going directly into my playlist ^^
I'm confused as to why you think the "LGBT" tag can work as an appropriate warning for *anything* included in this game. Things like corrective rape, non-consensual gang-banging, incest, wrist-cutting, blackface, underage(?) sex, and the heavy use of slurs (especially "fag")... it falls under "mature" parody, not "gay." Gay isn't even a warning in the first place.
But putting all that aside... I had fun, even laughed a little at the ridiculous dialogue + sprite edits.
The vine boom sound effects were an *excellent* touch, too. It gave comedic weight to even the most fucked-up topics.
But I have to ask: is there really only one ending? And where can I listen to Father's battle track? It was such a bop.