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A member registered Jan 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Next part is out!

If anyone is interested

Its amazing! Environment looks like my typical dream, im absolutely love it!

Yep, its unfinished yet

Nice atmospheric game. And you too used shotgun house instead just shotgun :D

Player moves, when you press WASD, you cant see it, because background is one color. Try zoom out with mouse scroll, and find something nearby, that allow you understand, move you or no.

Maybe i will add background later.

Day 3-4

Yesterday was my birthday, so i did nothing :)

Today i did not too much, but anyway. So firstly i fixed camera, now it doesn't go through walls. Then i added sounds of steps and jumps from free assets, and also made it synchronously with animation of player's model. I did it with Animation Events, and i really like it.

After that i added two new mechanisms - doors and platforms, now they move when player is nearby, but im planning to add switch in future. Also now when you pick up the HackGun, it will be in your hands. About hacks: now when HackGun shoots into mechanism, its state changes to "disabled". But for using HackGun, you must "programmed" it into terminal. Now i have only one type of terminal, that "freezes" state of mechanism, but i hope i will add and other types, changing behavior of mechanisms.

Day 2

Today i created little test area with main existing objects. Red sphere is a bomb, green pyramide - HackGun, yellow cube - terminal, green flat cylinder is a finish.

I added collider to every of them, so now they can somehow work. Finish Place and terminal print messages when you is nearby, bomb explodes and kills you, and also you can pick up HackGun. ALSO, i could emit Raycast from HackGun and determine what it targets to. And if target is a bomb - explode it from distance. Now i think how disable bomb and mb other mechanisms in future, but not destroy them.

Hello, im new in creation of games(not in programming though), and i will try to create 3D Puzzle game on Unity! Its name is "Hack Or Run", and it will allow you play as robot and hacks the mechanisms to solve puzzles(or make it without hacks, but harder).

Today i downloaded model for robot from free Unity Assets, and added initial player control movement and camera.