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A member registered Oct 18, 2022

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Man I'm looking forward to this! Take your time tho ^v^

Bro I love playing as Somari, I love how he looks and that you mixed Mario and Sonic elements into him pretty well

(2 edits)

I'm not certain you'll read this, but I do wish this game had some sort of free VS mode where you can customize your fighter and your opponents the way you want for the fight, as well as the weapons. I like Shiro, but I kinda wanna play as the others too. JUST tournament mode gets a bit boring and annoying after a while, and some difficulty changing could work too.

I'm putting this here because I couldn't really find a proper link to this email...and also because even if it DOESN'T get put in the game, I just thought it could work as a suggestion...maybe? (this isn't mine)

The game is pretty good! I think the turning could use a bit of work, and maybe your opponents should also be affected by the other cars, but other than that the game's great. Looking forward to updates!

Er, oi. Sou eu. Eu não consegui voltar a minha conta então criei uma nova, mas ainda vou te seguir. Mas mesmo se vc não quiser fazer mais esse gibi eu ainda gostei desse.