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A member registered Jun 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Perhaps I should use SHIFT to sneak instead of run. Maybe how I explain the control is misleading as well. I should say "Use WASD + SHIFT to run" instead of just "Use SHIFT to run". Thanks for your playing!!!

I'm glad that you enjoy it :). I knew that the game is hard to understand so I planned to add a proper tutorial (the wording in game is also strange). But at that time I'm a bit rush that eventually I have only added the text as tutorial (which might not really be helpful).

I haven't considered to explain the layout that's I fault, I didn't except that the layout is confusing. I really should take this into account in the future. Thxxx.

I am surprised that the game is made by scratch, the game's graphics and music make the game very fun to play. I really like Freddy's face.

It seems that the zip file is broken that I cannot unzip it properly.

Great atmosphere, sound, and graphic. The idea is quite surprising and fun. It feels like a story more than a game thought.

The guest I know the concept of the game and I think it's nice. Sadly I don't know how to use the beans and attack the golem. Remember to add the tutorial or at least the control of the game. (Just a text description on itch page is ok ^-^).