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A member registered Feb 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Bro how do you not like dogs

(2 edits)

I'm not single bruh plus ur prolly 30

(1 edit)

I'm w Doug on this one


never said I came up w those

ur a LIVING discord server Tbh

Little bitch

Bro admits it

Actully bitch I'm 13 and talk trash better than you you're so toxic they made yore damn account private "It needs to be reviewed by a moderator"

that's harassment bitches


Your probably 30

I ❤ deadpool


Shut up and leave people alone  and people wont bother you


I read the fucking comments on other games bruh

Also ur account says 2017 so maybe that's why ur so immature bitch

Also I agree w doug

Ur so toxic that your account needs to be reviewed


1. Can I have the name of your hair salon? I need to know where not to go.

2. I forgot the world revolves around you. My bad!

3. You seem to be suffering from delusions of adequacy.

4. My days of not taking you seriously have come to a middle.

5. You are the human equivalent of a participation trophy.

6. You do a great job combing your hair. It’s impressive how you’re able to hide the horns.

7. You have a face for radio.

8. Whatever kind of look you were aiming for, you missed.

9. If you were a spice, you’d be flour.

10. You may have a sparsely attended funeral.

11. I smell something burning. Are you trying to think again?

12. You’re like a lighthouse in a desert: bright but not very useful.

13. Don’t worry—the first 30 years of childhood are always the hardest.

14. May your life be as pleasant as you are.

15. You’re as useless as the “ueue” in “queue.”

16. Your biscuit’s not done in the middle.

17. You’re just like a Russian doll—full of yourself.

18. Your face is just fine. It’s your personality that’s the issue.

19. Whatever is eating you must be suffering terribly.

20. You’ve got all the tact of a bowling ball.


what did I do you fat cunt ass bitch you honestly live in your moms basement you little bitch so shut the fuck up you petofile.

can you make this a browser playable game



I love this game. I would spend money on it its wittawy so lit.

look around for Easter eggs they funny. also make a second game please or another in this style


does this work with Meta Quest ?

The name of the game is probally based off of one of my friends lol

good game though ima vote for it

the dev needs to add more though :)
