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Marauder Games

A member registered Mar 06, 2015 · View creator page →

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Yes, it should still work. I'm honestly unsure how to help you next as I can not replicate the bugs on my test computers. I do know that errors like these can occur for the following reasons:

  • .Net 4.8 isn't installed
  • Windows 10 needs to be updated
  • The .exe is being ran outside of its original folder
  • The folder containing the .exe isn't extracted

I can help you further if you can join the discord so we can screen share to track down the problem. 

Just pushed another patched that added some logging. Download that, try to import a sprite again and when it crashes go to %AppData%\Roaming\MarauderGames and send me the log file there to

Hey, make sure that .net 4.8 is installed on your machine. It can be found here

Hey! Sorry for getting back to you so late but to import images right click the asset browser and a menu button that says "import" will appear. I now see that this could be a little confusing and will push out a patch to make it more obvious.

For more information here is the wiki link:

Please get back to me and let me know if this works for you. Also, join the discord! I usually check there often.

Glad that you are enjoying Tangent! Deformations will be available in a future update. IK bones can only affect other IK bones. So, if you have a chain of IK bones and you move the last child in the chain it will affect all other bones further up the chain but not effect the bone you are moving. What I do is create an additional bone and use that as a way to adjust movement. You should be able to add your own images in the trial version, I will double check this but I can also add the purple character's file included in the application.

For more information about mesh deformation I just published a devlog here.

Thanks! 😁

Actually yes! This version was build in .net framework and we've been slowly porting it over to .net core which should allow us target linux.

Hello everybody! I developed a new animation tool called Tangent! Tangent uses a bone rigging system to help you create stunning animation! 

Some of the features are:

  • Forward and Inverse Kinematic Rigging
  • Sprite Z-Layering
  • An intuitive key framing timeline
  • Exports to:
    • JSON
    • GIF
    • Sprite Sheet
    • Frames as PNGs

Glad that you like it!

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