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A member registered Aug 16, 2022

Recent community posts

could you tell me how can I get the scenes with Mom, I aint got a clue on how to get it

Idk if its a bug, but Wendy is spending every single moment of the day masturbaiting with a dildo, idk if this is supposed to be like that or not.

Finding bugs part 2.
When Jay is at the kitchen table eating with Clyde, her name changes to Lia, when she sits in the living room, interacting with her will result in her saying just "5". One of the rooms upstairs in Marians house connects to the entrance even though theres no door in there to go upstairs.

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Game has potential, however there's a lot of bugs. The biggest one of all is the fact that basically all the doors that aren't connected with some kind of script have no physical form, what I mean is that you can walk through them and get inside the map. Another bug I found was after interacting with Aunt Jay when she is in her bed, she just said "9" and nothing else, also her name changes to Lia for some reason. Yet another bug I found was the background music completely dissapearing in certain areas. Coupling all three of these bugs, the game kinda felt like a playable .exe creepypasta.

Dev u a hoe for having people do it under 15 seconds, still enjoyed it and hope u make more games

you use arrow keys to dodge the attack

this games animations are made with koikatsu right?

Are the cutscenes lagging for everybody or is it just me?

I recently had to replay through the whole game cuz I fucked up transfering data from my old computer to new one, and idk if its a bug or I just don't remember correctly, but didn't Gwen and Chloe have more interactions? (not the sex ones) The hint says that there's nothing more to do with Chloe after the assasin thing.

I have the same question

For those who want to know, the golem heart can be used in the ancient temple in front of the pussy door, just walk to a pillar in the middle of the room and click Z.

I don't think its banned, I live in poland and I can still find it on steam.

then idk how I got the 650 points

I finished night 2 and seeing that there was no cutscene, I thought that either my old-ass laptop is bugging out(the one I thought was true) or its not implemented, so I tried going onto night 3. Clicking on it didn't work so I thought that maybe its because I didn't get the night2 cutscene so I clicked the afternight 2. The crash mentioned earlier by FoxMoonlight happened, however after waiting about half a minute and clicking random buttons, I was thrown into basically night 2 however the payment of points was 650 instead of 4 hundred something.

Didn't play it yet but just from the screenshots I must say that this game looks good.

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how do i gain more lust with lily
Edit:Nvm i got it

if its ok I'd like to report a bug, when I got to the academy and the shit about corruption I could already have sex with mirla without ever meeting her before

is there a gallery or other option where I can check out the sex scenes I got?

I'm really not gonna be able to be on the livestream, it's too early for me so I'm just gonna put my suggestion here and hope it gets into the vote. I suggest a moth or insect girl in CK.

you can just download the new version, your save will be copied onto the new version


could i ask you how to unlock some of those?

i think you just need to download it and it'll transfer automatically

could someone tell me what is the purpose of the golden mask you buy in the store?

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The updates are great and i love them but im wondering when will Pixies real name be revealed, at the start it was said that usually a feys partner is the only one who knows the real name and since we as the protagonist have a kid with Pixie i think its reasonable to assume we should know her name but seing as the game is probably just starting its second half it will be revealed later.

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Lets fucking go new update with good scenes of a underused girl and I cant stop laughting at the flying turtle shell in the bowsette cosplay sex scene,

cant wait for the next update

New update even tho small is still super fun , keep up the good work.

this game is so fucking good i love everything about it and i love the jimmy reference in the cutscene with valoria and stronk

i had the same problem for about 5 hours and I really enjoy helping people in these type of games

thank you

go to the "explore" area in the town and go west north west two times, the first time go to the second floor  and go down on the second time


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where can i find the flowers needed for the exp talisman and how can i mark the rocks in the lake area?