I saw someone asking for this elsewhere so noting it here in case you're the one to ask;
Installing and Starting With Linux For The Non-Tech Savvy
I love the different fonts and colours in this it really makes for such a cool experience and such a fun feel for a zine!
I love cats - people really don't believe you that you can train them or that they reply when you talk to them. They try their best, copying the sounds we make in situations.
I hope this zine can help people understand cats more
This is so sweet and I love it as a single sheet foldable zine for such easy reference. It's so nice to be able to have things like this on hand for reminders and really helpful to have these things as reference when first diagnosed rather than having to learn them on your own.
Thank you for making this!
It's not super out there and I'd love to see some more people expand on this topic!
But I do have to promo these tutorials cause they're what got me started with SSG!! My criticism of them is they assume the user is on linux/has windows subsystem linux already set up so I think people would really benefit from a tutorial that includes the set up steps for WSL or at least a brief on starting with linux
Also, there's so many SSGs, I think there's plenty of room for people to explain other ones
Hey, super interested in the jam and wanted to get in early to ask about streaming any of the games made for it!
Not requesting free keys or anything, but if anyone makes anything stream safe that they'd like showcased, I'd like to hear about it!
And if mods have anything they'd like me to help with for promotion, I'd be interested
Hey um. Broke game. Honestly no idea what I did, we were trying for Milo's ending and then the choice at the end didn't use a day and didn't set the flag and the next day we got the exact same dialogue when we tried to talk to him? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2287833925
Played this on stream! Twitch VoD will be deleted in 2 weeks
Seconding these, I had all these issues plus;
Bit of a complex bug: I started a file (Save A) and followed along to the guide to get another ending. On day 3, I saved, reloaded a different playthrough (Save B), completed save B, and then reloaded save A. I tried everything. Every possible combination I could think of and hit every flag I was meant to, but I always got Ending 1. If required for testing, I can provide a link to the playthrough.
New resource for getting buttons for your site! https://hellnet.work/8831/