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A member registered Sep 08, 2018

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Right when I do my bi-half-yearly hentai game binge two, you amazing son of a bitch!

Hi, just purchased this pack for my RPG Maker game, and I gotta ask, why is the specified RPG Maker tilesets not in a format usable for RPG Maker? It limits how many tilesets you can use on one map type, so having dozens of different images containing the whole tileset instead of a single one makes it unusable without me having to edit it myself to include them. I understand if it's hard to work with, but I really would appreciate to see this fixed, this is an excellent tileset, and I just want to be able to use it.

Just played the new version. The game, while repetitive at times is still pretty good, having actual gameplay to keep the player engaged. I like how the game doesn't try to sugarcoat anything with the family aspect, as that annoys me about most games of this genre. One thing I would like to request is minimap icons. It does get annoying trying to find where everyone is. And another thing, if they do have a unique event, it should also be indicated on the minimap. Having to go to the computer every time I just want to find the next event can get kind of annoying. Other then that, this game shows some great promise, and I hope to see alot more in the future!

you heard the man

It is a crime that this doesn't have more content.

Damn you human limitations.

Damn you.

Is English your first language? I can't help but notice that, while not bad, the dialogue is very stiff, and sometimes confusing to follow

Yeah, so far an amazing down to earth visual novel. Excited to see what can happen.