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A member registered Jul 22, 2016 · View creator page →

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Try add some background instruments, try to work with notes velocity, give some expression.

Also master the mastering - add delay+reverb and this track will sound a lot more interesting.

I have lost the rhythm ~after 1:40, and melody was unclear from the beginning to the end.

But, never stop trying, you just have to practice.

Simple, but kinda beatiful. Nice balance between boring-and-simple and interesting-but-complicated. A bit repetitive motif, no background instruments (ambient and maybe some percussions), and the flute is a little too close, but the track is very enjoyable and can fit the videogame perfectly.

Great work!

Nice motifs and harmony, though a little repetitive. Badly mixed expression, and boring arranging.

Has potential, will be a really awesome track after some rework.

Well mixed, but failed to mix some expression. Pretty generic, doesn't have any melodic hooks, but very harmonic and will definitely fit some in-game scene of nature.


Nice harmony, though a little boring and not well defined melody. The second part is worse than intro and lacks an aggression to bring fear/epicness to listener. Mastering is ok except that second part.

Overall, nice work, comrade!

Listen online:

I also did a stream. Record can be found here:

Thanks for organizing! This was truly an interesting experience.

Nice idea!

Feel free to criticise my little experiments.