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Marissa Angell

A member registered Mar 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your feedback!!

As a huge logic puzzle fan myself, my main motivation for making the game was because I really just wanted to play more of my favorite games - so I’m just thrilled to hear that you think this project has potential!! And I definitely have so many cool ideas that I had to cut for the jam (looping and branching timelines, “parallel universes”, etc) which I’m planning to implement in the future. So truly, thank you so much for your encouragement!

I’m pretty confident about the uniqueness of that one - though the confusion might stem from that puzzle making heavy use of the number of mines remaining as a core clue, and also relies on the player figuring out that…

(Spoiler - Puzzle Logic) ...if a tile is '0'/blank, it can't contain a mine on adjacent timeline layers.

In any case, thank you so much for the feedback, and glad you liked the game!

Aw, I'm so glad you think so! And the issue should now be fixed - thank you again for all of your help, it is super appreciated :D

That is incredibly helpful - thank you so much for figuring out how to reproduce that!!

Thank you for the additional info - and that's a great suggestion! I'll see if I can get that implemented and uploaded in the next day or two :)

Oh no, sorry that happened! Do you mind sharing what platform or browser you were playing on so I can investigate what might have caused that particular bug?

That's intended! I probably should have found some way to word it better in the tutorial, but mines can move to any adjacent/neighboring tile (so any tile that changes color while the highlight toggle is activated is fair game)

I'm glad you liked it!! And the mines always / sometimes moving was definitely a design decision I went back and forth on for some time - I definitely made sure that every puzzle was solvable under the assumption that each mine may stay still, but I definitely found that it was more fun to design/play levels where the mines moved every step. 

And animating the timeline is definitely a feature that I'd like to implement - especially since I have some ideas for levels where the timeline forms an infinite loop, and I feel those levels would be especially cool to see animated.

Thank you so much for your feedback!

I really liked this! Great characterization for such a small number of words (and 5am definitely elicited an 'ew' from me as well, lol)

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! (Especially enough to 100% it, wow!!)

If I have time in the future, I'm definitely planning to expand this initial prototype to add a variety of furniture customization options, as well as some sort of mission system for furniture repair and decoration jobs. Thanks so much for your feedback!

Oh no! So sorry it didn't end up working - if you're willing to share more details about the problem (i.e. which browser or OS you tried, and whether the problem was black screen/no input detected/etc) I'd be more than happy to try and fix the issue. In any case, thanks for being willing to try the game!

There's a lot of potential here! I was very impressed by the inventory system; doing Resident-Evil-style grid management for a jam is quite ambitious and I was pleased to find that it seemed pretty well-implemented, and with items of differing sizes no less! (Yes, I may have tried to break the system in order to carry more planters... the fact I was unsuccessful is proof that decent thought was put into it!)

While I wasn't able to figure out how to plant the seeds in the planters, I did enjoy the small gameplay loop of venturing down to the lower levels of the ship in order to scavenge for more items. Nice work!

Short and sweet, and very aesthetically pleasing! Really, really like the color palette. And of course, bonus points for including a cat <3

Really nice game! Moving around and planting seeds was a little tricky, but I enjoyed the core gameplay loop - I managed to survive for three nights! Definitely appreciate the ability to 'water' the house, it was really helpful for those later nights (though I did feel bad for never watering my plants, lol). I did find myself wishing for a way to fight back against the furniture with the bunny (especially when my plant placement wasn't very good...), but I could see how that might be too powerful.

Also, I loved the animations - the bouncy bunny, the lively plants, and the fast-moving furniture were all very fun to watch! The furniture in particular was a great enemy idea. I'm not sure how many types there were - I ended up seeing just the box and the chair - but when I first saw a swarm of chairs and how fast they moved I had a genuine moment of panic, which was really entertaining!

A couple of very small bugs I ran into were: 1) when I finally lost, some of my old Force Plants stuck around when continuing on to a new game (just the Force Plants, not the Flying Plants), and 2) trying to restart from the pause menu by hitting enter didn't work (but refreshing the page did work). However, there were no game-breaking bugs, which is always a win!

Overall, I really liked it! Nice work :)