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A member registered Jan 29, 2021

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you could probably just list the VNs as they are for their current price on itch on steam,,, wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary and it’d build you a little back catalogue

nice! congrats! I’ll be looking forward to buying it as soon as I can. Hope you can add some of your other stuff as well!

would be nice if you could make a linux version of this game… wine doesn’t work for some reason

New site is great! My only issue is that there’s no convenient way to page through the gallery images in sequence; you instead have to go back a page and scroll back down to the gallery, which is fairly time consuming and distracting when trying to look at a lot of images.

is it just me or are ledge grabs just literally impossible? some areas seem designed around their use, but you just can’t. hopefully it just requires an item, like the Power Grip in Metroid Zero Mission. additionally, it is just impossible to pause in a couple rooms in the early caves; the one immediately to the left of the outpost is one, and I think I recall at least one other room near the twin worms room. Also, I can’t seem to find/activate the debug menu at the end of the demo. Perhaps I just missed the keys, but I tried every one on my keyboard individually and got nothing, so…

also, I’d like to request to add multiple save slots, as I accidentally erased my fully completed file by trying to speedrun the game for fun.

It’d definitely be best to streamline your workflow with the level editor and whatnot before thinking about pushing new content as soon as possible. We’ve waited this long; we can wait a little longer.

+1. I’ve always thought it weird that the nudest she gets is half-torn-off shirt, in possibly the least functional way it can be, coupled with panties. Why not redesign these, and allow her to truly lose all but the boots?

Best to get something out there, let down the anticipation that’s been building for years now, and reset the expectations to something much more manageable. You guys’ve got this!

I personally consider revamped old content to hold just as much, if not more importance than new stuff in games like this. Quality over quantity, as they say, and by the sound of what you guys have been doing recently, it’s gonna be a major upgrade!

Yes, the shell script is for Linux. Any confirmation at all is fine for me. Thank you!

It would work on wine, but I’m not on a bleeding edge distro, so wine64 is still a royal pain in the ass to get working

Currently a bit uncanny, but I can’t wait to see how this’ll come along. It shows a lot of promise! also kindaaa need the shell script to be able to actually play it myself…

The memory leak is back… again…

So you’re okay with adults having sex with children? Weird to call someone an asshole for having the opposite take, which is probably the most normal sexual opinion out there.

Are you planning to release a Linux version? The windows version is 64 bit, so WINE has extreme issues running it. Most compilers these days should support compiling into a compatible format, for example a shell script (.sh). I’d love to play this game off of the browser but as is I just can’t.

tfw you miss the joke

(2 edits)

it seems the loading bug is back. when attempting to load in my pc it takes a little bit and then my pc completely locks up, have to hard reset.

Judging by previous updates’ release dates, it’s probably gonna be a couple months until the next big thing. Sorry to burst your bubble, but making a game takes time, and it takes exponentially longer for any amount of quality. You’re gonna be waiting a long while.