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A member registered Oct 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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Is there any chance that his game could come to GOG as well? GOG has added quite a lot of pretty good AVNs recently - and I purchased almost all of them - but this one is still missing. While itch was changing their policy on NSFW games for the worse and Steam even baned some of them GOG is embracing them right now. Would really be nice to hear your thoughts on this coming to GOG. Maybe you still think that GOG is just for old games or that they dislike VNs in general - both have changed a lot.

If you are on GOG. Contact me under MarkoH01. I am sure I can help you.

Thank you for bringing Week 1 to GOG. Are there any plans on bringing the other games there as well? Unfortunately I have no other options tto contact you since the new Twitter rule exists and I cant' contact you directly until you don't follow me. Si I though I might try using this board instead.

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I agree that stage 2 is a bit too much - especially the very last part of it. Died countless times here.
Getting up the wall is easy the moment you realize that you can hook yourself in the wall by pressing attack when you are near a purpble glowing wall.

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After playing the demo I've decided to purchase the full version on GOG. The game has improved quite a lot and it's even smoother to play now. However there's one changed thing I don't understand. At least the first sex scene (the one with the stranger) was animated before - now you only get still pictures. Is there a reason why this has been changed? Also, I am still confused why Haley's body is looking very "different" when getting the scythe. She looks normal in the demo version but here the scythe scene is WIP. Last but not least: sometimes you are not able to hide the text box even though the game says so (I guess one example was the scene when Haley first wakes up - the bottom pic on this site).  Would be great to get a short reply.

Edit: Thanks for answering all my questions on twitter :)

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Hello devs. I have a few questions (and I was unable to find a working discord link):

1) I downloaded and played the public release from your Patreon site. Tried sandbox and story mode but there is still one galery scene that refuses to unlock (also one animation is missing when showeing and thinking about Sadira). All characters are at 100% so this should not be possible at all. 

2) I noticed that you brought season 1 to GOG as well. Why only season 1 if season 2 obviously already does exist? Edit: it just got listed on GOG as coming soon - so no need to answer it anymore :)

3) At least in the version I played it does not seem as if you could ever not score if you aren't completely stupid ... so it does not feel as if your actions influence different girls in a different way. Has this improved in the full game?

4) How many seasons are planned?

Acolyte community · Created a new topic Spelling mistake
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In the company profile it says PINOCCHIO which is correct but later it says "Pinokio". In the same text it says "organisatio" instead of "organisation".

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I was so happy to find out what WBE is meaning but I have absolutely no clue how to progress from here.  You should give a few more hints inside the game. The web is big and you could basically search for everything ... also those names you chose are not really rare.

Edit: I also got the farewell email but the only way to get things progressing was to type "hint" in which moment Ana realized what she found out ... strange.

I am once again on the search for the 21 contacts and of course I already entered miss Nightingale. So Ana added her to the contacts and now when I try to ask her about "Who is F.N.?" she does not seem to know her telling me "Who was involved...? Sorry, the question doesn't make sense to me right now.".

Never mind I figured it out ...

I tried Leonardo de Pisa number starting with 0 and starting with 1 ... but it always says it is incorrect. First 10 numbers of the sequence nd no spaces or commas ... what am I doing wrong?

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@DodgerB: Thanks a lot. Now I have 21/21 as well - but only with Fiona  added twice.
@SUPERSTRING: One reason I got stuck here was that it did not even occur to me that anybody - including Ana - would be able to deduct a full name just by knowing the FIRST name, and since I did not have a last name of at least two people I did not even try to find them based on the first name only. On a sidenote: the Nanomax website has a bug:   the bio for E.C. is missing and the bio for J.H. is there twice. Also the twitter link leads to a guy that is probably not supposed to be linked to since he registered in 2009 already.
Also, Fionas blog (can be accessed from site) seems to be a bit too empty and some other links produce error meesages - which might break the immersion. Last but not least: I was unable to play a game with Ana - I guess that's not possible in the transcendent version?

Yes, I have. I even followed a twitter link from their website - but apparently that guy was not meant to be found and did not count.

Acolyte community · Created a new topic 16/21 employees

I have absolutely no clue how to find the rest. Any help?

Since I had no idea how to continue with the Transcendent Edition after posting that link about Fiona Nightingale, I decided to reset game data. After the personality test a new background was unlocked but it was the same background I had already unlocked (office wiith the chair and the PC) - this seems to be a bug.

Hey, thanks for the quick reply. Sure, I do understand and it is the ARG component that makes the game feel even more real so it has to be there. The fact that one of the mail states that you can access the internet with Ana is a bit misleading regarding the puzzle and it is also a bit unfortunate that it does not seem as if you can copy paste the required link which was a bit of a hassle tbh :) Thank you for letting me know about the renaming option. Used to short commands on PCs (especially in old adventure games) of course I tried commands like "rename" - it did not occure to me to actually speak to her ... again, really great work so far. I guess I will buy the transcendent edition... I simply need more cat pics :D

I have finished the prologue and liked it a lot. It felt so real and I am on the brink of buying the transcendent edition. However even though I like those ARG elements it is a bit sad that you won't be able to play the game without internet connection at all because of the game needing such connection - especially since one of the mails you'll receive literally stated that Anna can get into the net as well ... it is also mentioned that you can rename her which also was not possible.

Like I said, what happened with Neversong was clear. Someone else used a similar nickname and put the game in the list of those to be included. At this time there was an page available - so it was in fact to puchase on But I wasn't wondering what happened with this game since the publisher himself explained the error. I was more wondering about the other games I mentioned and at least in teh case of Johann Weiss I was able to talk with the dev and he did not understand why it has been removed as well.

Thank you. Fingers crossed that you will succeed in figuring this mystery out - maybe even bring the game back to the bundle.

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So if the removal wasn't your idea maybe you could ask the guys from to get it back into the bundle?

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It has come to my attention that along with Neversong (a game that obviously never was intended to be part of the bundle from the devs/publishers side) had removed several other games from said bundle and afaik without any explanation. The games I am talking about are:

Johann Weiss, Lily Seed, Haul and Invasion.

The person who told me about it also tried to contact to ask what happened but got ignored completely. So I won't even bother to try to contact support and instead will post this in public. Maybe somebody here has the answer what happened with those games (I already contacted the dev of Johann Weiss and asked him - answer is pending) or steps in and explains what happened. Legally one could consider it theft to take something away aftter purchasing (and in this case you cannot expect to download everything on the first day) but since this is a special case I might even accept that some games might have been included that never were intended to be included (not the case with Johann Weiss since I still could find the post which at least looks legit) however at least we should be given an explanation and a note that it happened and why it happened.

Since the game does not seem to be in the bundle anymore, could you please tell us what actually DID happen? The game Johann Weiss is also missing ( as is "Invasion" and "Haul". It is one thing if you have to remove games from the bundle after the purchase (really not nice and I guess also not legal but acceptable given the circumstances of this bundle). It is a completely different thing however not EXPLAINING why this had to happen. It feels as if the bundle content could lose games with every minute now. So an explanation would really be nice.

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Why has this been removed from the bundle for racial justice?

Thank you!

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Will there be another batch run? Some games that have been posted here before the deadline (like the great "Dry Drowning") have not yet been picked up.

Did you get my mail or do I have to send one again (maybe there's a problem receiving from this adress - I have others in case needed).

Found this in the Steam forum:
"hold shift while the game opens and you can change the resolution that way."
Hope it helps

Done :)

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That was a fast reply :)
There are tools with which I can implement key-rebinding myself .. so that's not a big issue .. just a bit unfortunate since the game seems to be quite nice. The missing languages is a different thing though ... is it difficult to bring the Steam build to DRM-free? DRM-free has become quite a thing today so that would be nice. I guess right now using the Steam version would be the only way to get these files?

How do I "reach out" here? I am quite new to (usually I am a GOG user).

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I can only turn on subtitles in English and Chinese in the DRM-free version. Also I noticed that the audio of the FMV is by far not loud enough (especially in the beginning) and a key rebinding function would be great. Also I never understood why somebody would want to use keyboard and mouse at the same time ... especially in a point and click. I really like the idea behind the game though.

Edit: It seems as if the DRM-free version is outdated since the Steam version does in fact list all those other languages. @SUPERSTRING: Could you please update the DRM-free version as well?

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Will Kiara ever be available again on The actual link is dead.