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A member registered Dec 01, 2022

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Thanks and no problem with the highscore table. Hopefully it is so successfull that you do a sequel ;-)


For me, the game of the year 2024. It was worth to give even more than the actual special price. The isometric graphics are fantastic. The music is great (why is there a menu item to switch it off ;-) ?) The gameplay is addictive. I only wanted to play it briefly and got stuck for 2 hours. Everything looks very polished, as if it were a game from the best Amiga days. Works fine on real machine under 060 and OS 3.2. Does it make sense to maybe add a highscore list with level reached, points, number of kills, and maybe with a playtime timer in the background? Otherwise I hope the Amiga will see more games from BadgerPunch. Thanks for bringing it to the Amiga. Its really a highlight!!!

Now that i own a NeoGEO MVS system iam looking so much forward to see the title on my machine. Thanks for bringing the game to the NeoGEO community!

Thanks for bringing this nice game to us. I like graphics stile very much and that it uses full PAL screen. Works fine on real A1200 030 50Mhz. HD version needs a quit to Workbench so that resetting the machine is not necessary. Why a Lvl code for Lvl1? Looking forward to see next versions!

Works also fine under OS with 030, 040 and 060 CPU´s. Will be great if download purchasers also have the possibility to download disklabels for own floppy disks.

Long awaited and it is great! Thanks for that jewel. I like the fast gameplay and that it is not too easy as many other „casual“ games. The music is phenomenal. There are only two things i miss. Scrolling at the Amiga and to have an option „Joystick up“ gameplay. Iam from the old days and fire button to jump is not so easy for me ;-)

Very good news! Thanks!!!

Good to hear that. Thanks!

Any progress here? Hopefully the game will see the light of the day.

Hopefully it will see the light of the day!

Great graphics. Promises fun gameplay. Would like to have a display for the intermediate and final enemies to show how many hits they still need until they are flattened.

Great! One of my favorites back in my C64 days coming to the Amiga. Simple graphics but great gameplay. Can´t wait!

Great! Test it next weekend. Thanks very much for bringing this to us.

Nice to see the next part on the Scorpion Engine. Works good so far. Thanks for your continuous work. 

(1 edit)

Works fine on real A1200 030 50Mhz OS As mentioned elsewhere i have also a continuous spinning floppy. And a bug. I think it is one. In every first room of each lvl if you go to the very left corner and try to get outside you are transfered to the right site above with a flickering sprite and the comment „Blocked!“. 

Very very nice game. Please bring it to a final release. 

Great that V1.0 is out. Thanks very much. After install and first play i started the old Backbone Version afterwards. Its insane to see the difference between these two worlds of software. Dream On - Looking forward to have Boxx2 and 3 on the Scorpion Engine too. And then a phyical boxed compilation of all 4 parts. Dream off -

Once more a great part of the game series. Dream on - A physical boxed collection with all 4 parts - Dream off

I know ;-) I play Boxx 4 already and it is great!

Version 0.5 HDD works great here on A1200 030. Thanks for updating so quick to last SE. 

Great. Thanks for the update! A good step forward in gameplay with the "Mario" optimisations. Like it!

Thanks to you! Was a pleasure. 

Many game developers said that this is not possible. You made it man! Amazing. Thank you very much for this gem in the Amiga history. Amiga forever!!!!

One of our family favorites since 2014. Gameplay and sound are awesome. Very cool retro feeling. In wintertimes the kids asking often to play the BOXX series on the A1200. This new creation with scorpion is so much better. Thanks for that. Looking forward to see the others maybe. Our absolute masterpiece is Boxx3.