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A member registered Oct 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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I didn't want it to be webGL game, I just didn't build the win version and didn't notice :DD

I apologize for uploading wrong files, they were supposed to be web build of the game. now it's fixed, and you can play the game :)

I apologize for uploading wrong files, they were supposed to be web build of the game. now it's fixed, and you can play the game :)

I apologize for uploading wrong files, they were supposed to be web build of the game. now it's fixed, and you can play the game :)

(1 edit)

Yeah, I forgot to center the mouse cursor :D

It's also like my 3rd game :D

It's really fun to play, I think it's 8/10

It should be fixed now

God damn, thank you very much for noticing

I really love this game! I think you should add more levels. I'm playing this game with friend right now and it's so fun to play :D