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A member registered Feb 20, 2021

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nah it's OK. but still tho

i got my answer

I have absolutely no Idea what to name this.

thx, glad you enjoy it

I wonder how long this chain will get with just the two of us?

it uses QWWs and QOOs in F tuning. but also sometimes uses QIUs and QWOs, take it away and tell me your tunes if you make any!

well, another idea, and this time lot's of note together. easier if I make it layered. I'll reply when the idea is fully brought to life.

lol, too long to put in my URL for conveineint placement. 

yay, but try it in different pitchings, I like it a lot as B as well.

P.S. I waved back at sunny

another little tune/ mini song I made;

[no space]qwqw qoqo qwqw qpqp qwqw qoqo qwqw qpqp

 [space] qwqwqwqw qoqoqoqo qwqwqwqw qpqpqpqp 

[no space] qwqw qoqo qwqw qpqp qwqw qoqo qwqw qpqp

and tuning is B

lol I know I'm really late so... did you enjoy my tune? also say hi to everyone for me (sunny, aubrey, kel and hero)

did you play it or you saying 'cool new tune to try' cuz both would get an answer of thanks.

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I am stuck... I'm not asking for help. But I see no way to get any money, so no bateries, so no make-shift transmiter. so no progression. but it's still a great game.

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oh so I didn't die at the end

this was such a fun little game, and I don't mind at all that it'sn short. It's a great metroidvania.

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the same thing happened on newgrounds :(

EDIT: I can wait :)

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i tried newgrounds but I dont remember ill try it again.

EDIT: i have to make my account lol

EDIT 2: i made my account I bet it will work!

so im not sure if im double posting or not i dont see my post here, but everytime I try to play the browser version it shows the cube guy error screen right after it finishes loading on my laptop. But if you can't help at all that's OK. good things are worth waiting for.

for me everytime i try and play the browser version on here, it shows that error screen with the aquare guy fight after it loads. (playing on a personal laptop so I really dont think I can download/play that way it if I couldnt download/play Celeste on that way either.) It's OK if you can't help. great things are worth waiting for. :)

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I have made a little tune, and here it is. makes me think of OMORI when i play it.

tune: rui rui rui rui ruq-o ruq-o ryu ryu ryu ryu ryq-o ry-qo ruq-o ryq-o rui rui ryu ryu rui rui rui rui

and btw __-__ means that the notes are both played at the same time

EDIT: tuning is at c

EDIT 2: someone else came up with a better way to show multi-notes.