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Martial Artisan

A member registered Feb 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Started playing yesterday. I think with it being even less gameplay focused than something like Disco Elysium, its needs to rely purely on the strength of the art and writing. Genuinely, it knocks it out of the park on both counts. It's supplanted DE as my pick for best-written game, it gets the pulpy and smoggy vibe across immaculately, and is damn funny to boot. Everyone on the team deserves the highest praise!

Happy to be of service

Thank you muchly!

This one seems awesome! If it's not too much to ask, could you add support for mouse inversion? I'm afraid I'm a mutant when it comes to FPS games and it's been downloaded into my muscle memory.

Thank you! I'm excited to play it!

I don't know if you're still going to be updating this game, but I would really appreciate an update to add mouse inversion. Alas, i'm a dork who can't play games normally but i really want to play this one!

Thank you so much!

I'm super intrigued by this game! I hate to ask for something put of the gate but an option to invert the mouse would be greatly appreciated. I love the look of this game and want to experience it to the fullest