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Martian Wizard

A member registered Sep 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm so happy you enjoyed my game! I was planning to add all of those things actually, but I ran short on time. Maybe I'll come back and update it someday.

A classic bullet hell with a fun twist. I really enjoyed this game. The visual and sfx really pulled everything together. My only gripe is that you don't refill your energy when you start a new level.

Cute game. I love the little blob thing. Sometimes if a human spawns too close to your start location you die instantly.

Cute game. Interesting idea for a puzzler, to just become stuff. I especially like how everything you consume has squash and stretch. It adds a lot of good game feel.

Pretty bare bones, but it's adorable so I love it.

Surprisingly fun and stellar graphics. I just wish it was harder. I was killing all the enemies as they spawned without even shooting anything.

Really interesting spin on chess puzzles

This mono color aesthetic is so pretty. Great game. I kept getting this glitch where I'd start the green level as the ball, but still be able to jump. Also if you die mid jump, the shadow keeps moving.

I love the idea. It's like Kirby, but less adorable and more mad science gone wrong. I would've liked more feel to the consume mechanic though. With a bit cooler animation and a sound effect it could feel really nice to eat everyone in the level instead of just jumping over them for a faster time. Fun game overall.