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Martin Jacob

A member registered Nov 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! I'm glad you found it easy to understand, as tutorialisation was certainly a big challenge for this one!

Thanks a lot!

Thank you ! It's heartwarming to read this. Have a great day

Thank you !

Thank you so much !! Glad to have satisfied your super-niche cravings haha

Hello, I would be glad if you streamed the game !

If possible send me a link so I may check it out.

Cheers !

Thank you very much :) it's heartwarming reading this when going through those difficult times. Take care !

You wouldn't want to wear a mask you found lying in the streets...!

Thank you so much !! It had fun watching it & listening to your comments


Thank you for your kind comment,

Currently the game has received roughly 30.000 plays and 1.000 dowloads.

Good luck for your research !

Hello ! Thank you for your feedback. After reading it I updated the game today : you can now restart directly after loosing, and the game will remember wether you want to play tutorial !

Thanks and have fun !

Thank you so much ! That's a very entertaining a well-cut video


Hello, you can now download the game for Windows !

Have a nice day,


Thank you for that video and feedback! The game was thought of as an educational tool first so I'm glad it did that effect.


For now you can only play in your browser.

There will be a downloadable version soon !

Have a nice day,

Thank you so much for that video !!

I'm glad that you had fun.

Thank you for playing !! You played an early version with a weird bug where the monster cannot move sometimes... It's fixed now :)

Thank you so much ! I'll try and make it scarier haha

(1 edit)

Hi ! Thanks a lot for your playthrough and feedback :)

When you're finished you can leave by taking the door, it will take you back to menu & record your best time.

I featured your video on my gamejolt and pages.

Congrats on making the pearl !

Hi ! Thanks for your feedback :)

I just uploaded a version where mouse sensitivity is down, and I have clamped the camera higher so that you don't smash your head against tables. Would you mind telling me if it's any better?

Other than that thank you for your appreciation and support !! I'm glad you had a good experience.

Hi !
I've released my first big project, it's a horror / puzzle experience about alchemy !

In it you must learn to master your tools and focus, while trying to prevent the summoning of a dark force...

I'd appreciate you giving it a try ! Feedback is always nice too :) I'm starting out as a game developer so every play-through counts.


Have some happy spooks !

Thank you for your kind comment :)

Thank you for your kind comment !

We made the game using Game Maker 2.