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on build 49 jenna route it is a absolute fact chase is an idiot if he was running from a killer and the choices were an open road, alley way and building full of people he would just trip and cry and "use words" to make the killer stop, chase is so stupid that he had so many options he could have grab a pipe and shard of glass heck even the trash can would have helped more but no his idea of helping leo is jumping on brian the bear which he stated that the bear was bigger then leo and when he was flung chase was surprised and then he did again what did chase expect the result would be different for a journalist his so short sighted cant see the details around him he could have easily stab brians eye when the bear was so fixated with leo there was debris everywhere there was even a syringe but nooooooo his first idea was talk to it, The bear was already hitting leo and his first idea was talk to it!!! I MEAN TALK TO IT!!!! in times of confrontation like this its fight or flight or maybe i am not updated that its now fight ,flight and PUCKING TALK TO THE PERSON WHOS CLEARLY INTENT ON HURTING YOU AND YOUR FRIEND!!!!! GOD THIS PUCKING STRESSFULL so anyways this update is so disappointing that making you read it will make you loose interest from the game so if you are waiting for build 49 i suggest you keep your expectation low like almost reaching the earth core low and hope that build 50 will be better