Thank you! I'm continually trying to improve upon the dribbling, and there isn't much online tutorials regarding football games. Maybe you found this too. So it's interesting to see how others tackle these things. I've started having a read of your article, it's really well written, I'd love to put together something like that of my own once I have the time. I've noted a couple of things I'd like to experiement with my own game too. Thanks for taking the time to share it.
Btw what's your current title called? Will you release to Steam? I'd love to follow your progress.
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This looks excellent. I hope you keep it going. I started my game on Itch, going into early access soon on Steam. I really love the dribble mechanics in your game, I'd love to know what the logic is for players taking possession of the ball, and those little dribble touches?? Fantastic. Also, what game engine do you use?
Hi, sorry about the late reply. Tbh I didn't find specific tutorials on building a football game but I started with concepts of a top down RPG game initially for movement - HeartBeast has a good one for this. For the ball movement, I guess similarities with projectiles such as bullets for movement. I just built it up in layers, this assets pack was a great start. Maybe when I'm not so busy trying to get the game live I'll put together some tutorials. There is so much to cover (ai, shirt colours, managing player and team data etc) but just take it on one at a time, every stage has been a learning process for me as it's my first real game. Built in Godot too which I've been very happy with. Good luck!
Hi. Thanks for putting together such an excellent asset pack! I've just released a downloadable demo version of my soccer game, Tiny Soccer. Hope you don't mind me carrying on the name :) I have credited you on the homepage and in game. Hope you get a chance to check it out.