There needs to be an option from the bed to skip to the weekend for certain missions. It would be a useful quality of life addition to make progression feel less tedious.
Yeah so are you just screwed if you potentially missed certain H events? Cuz Im missing "Useless Mutt" and "Alchmical mishap" for Lyriel, I don't have "Pre-reveal service" somehow, and "Punk gal", "Special order", and "Milfing it up" are lost to me.
I havent gotten a new Cait mission in awhile, and I don't see a missions really interfering with Lyriels so idk. Is there a specfic mission I need to clear before doing or something?
So I had auto on while I walked away from my computer and I missed alot of the masturbation scene with Agnes, so go to check the gallery the next day only to realize it's not in the gallery at all (Yay?)
Is normal for anyone else? Is it not a major scene or something?
Hey so is there any audio in the game other than the music and some sound effects. The preferences mention lewd sounds and voices adjustment but they both seem just mute with no way of changing it.
Can some one pleas explain me how your suppose to unlock some of these tapes! I can unlock and watch them, but what does it even mean to pet or don't pet one of the girls or any other objects like that with no clear way as to how to do them.
So I bought the full version and the paid chapters still have "Buy Now" attached to them do I have to play through the others to unlock or did it just not work?