You’re welcome 😄
Master Pose
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Hello, the grid size is what the viewport is, if you use version >=2.0.1 you can set the Grid Scale Mode, to readjust automatically the grid. Is that what you were looking for? If that doesn’t solve your problem, let me know!
Hello, thanks for your interest on the plugin! Yes, the plugin is very straight-forward to set up, you can see its functionalities by playing the demo: I'll be sharing the project of the demo in a pair of days.
Thanks for the Newgrounds idea, I was indeed looking for interesting services to make a plugin of. I'll look into it.
Have you thought about making the item database more UI oriented? Instead of just plain JSON, it would be cool to have a way to configure templates of properties so when you create an Item you can set that template and show a simple interface to fill the fields similarly of how GridlessDB does it
Very easy to check really:
Clean as a whistle.
It's addictive, but unfortunately it suffers greatly of bad performance. Making the game run on <20 FPS on a mid-end laptop. I would suggest you to check on Construct's performance guide.
I also noticed, the game is constantly trying to load an AdMob banner, although on PC you can't. This creates an infinite loop that may be part of the performance issues
Thanks for the compliment, but this is merely an extension of Pixel Dudes Maker made by 0x72. He's an awesome artist indeed