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Masters of Evil

A member registered Nov 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Dark Star VI is our entry for the Pocket Quest 2023 games jam over on DriveThru and is available as Pay what you want.

The players take on the role of scavengers aboard 'Jerusalem', one of the last vestiges of civilisation in a ruined galaxy. With little more than a shuttle and a couple of credits to equip themselves, they must venture out into the void. Gene abominations, cannibals, cults, cybernetic serial killers and other, more inscrutable horrors await them in dark-space. 

The game is intended to bridge the gap between rules lite and a combat system more familiar to D&D style 5ft grid play.

It includes a ton of stuff in a small package such as:

  • Rules on playing the game, including hiding from terrifying monsters, creating characters and scavenging
  • Rules & Advice on running the game
  • Setting information & lore
  • Downtime activities and map of 'Salem
  • Exciting example mission with full map & Monster stat blocks
Dark Star VI community · Created a new topic Q&A

Let us know if you have any rules or game related questions about Dark Star VI.

Thanks for your feedback, and hope you enjoy it, even for inspiration!

Regarding AI Art, it is not something we personally will use moving forward, the system this game was designed for uses it from the ground up so it seemed appropriate on this occasion. 


Masters of Evil

Thanks again for the extension! We have submitted :)

Brilliant, cheers!

We're super close to finishing our submission but with Christmas and then new year, we haven't quite had the time to be able to add the finishing touches. We would love to submit though, any chance of a 1 week extension until after the New Year so we can finalise? It's a relatively big adventure we're submitting so would be a shame to miss the deadline!

Good Afternoon Mate,

it is progressive, so 1, then 2 then 3 etc. 

Hope you enjoy the game and thanks!

Please note:

There is bonus content for those who decide to pay $1 or more including:

  • Expanded dungeons for The Priory and The Mausoleum
  • The aftermath; decide the fate of the people of Tukesbury
  • Faction rules for running Tukesbury in Crowns
  • Important NPCs

Which can be found on the project page here:
