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A member registered Jul 13, 2023

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Thank you. I finally beat her
I just have no idea how to defeat the slime boss. Maybe I’m not playing correctly and wasted potions in the process of studying the locations, but I just don’t have enough mana to finish it off. She heals too cheatily, so this is where the walkthrough ends for now...
"an important book rests next to the bed in the elf's bedroom"
is this a fortune teller's prediction and what does it mean?

NOTE I figured out that I was transferring the wrong saves, so it's fine. I was able to transfer them

I have no idea, I strictly transfer saves from the last version to the new version, and they do not work and write that they may be with viruses. And it will be a shame to start from scratch, when in the last save I went through absolutely everything

who knows how to transfer saves from the last version to the new version of the game?

You mean those squids and the squid mage are mimics?

Remember the dark cave where you needed a flashlight and then the lava cave? Remember, there was a weird temple and that's where the fire golem should be.

If you're playing the free latest version, you don't need to bring anyone. It seems that it will be possible to bring someone in the latest version for patreon, but this is just a guess

Mimics? No, I don't know of any. I'm playing the latest free version, not patreon. And now I have completed absolutely all events, but there are still magic beans after some quest and I can not brew potions with them. I have no idea what to do with them

Do you know how to transfer saves and progress from early to late version? I don't want to just start from scratch.

that's gonna give me 100 percent obscenity?

what am I supposed to do with magic beans?

no, it was exactly the one where you yourself needed the squid to capture your mind, then move the squid to the magician and here is the biggest headache
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
people, who can tell? I need to find the field where the gnomes trained, and is it possible to somehow remove the mind control? there are also the last events with the lady and two events with Selena. Tips do not help, but I don’t know what to do to close everything 100%. After all, there are still 3 missions with Glace, as well as secret missions for which there is no hint

honestly, the battle with the mage squid and the gray squid is complete bullshit, sorry for the jargon ... not a fair fight in which everything is decided by random. It's disgusting, I literally just tried to go through this battle and as a result I was beaten, and I either tried to remove a squid or a squid magician ... it's boring, not fair and pathetic, I really hope that this battle will be redone

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people, where can I find Miriam? 

and where can I get the ball needed by the fortune teller?
people, is there a guide somewhere or just a guide to the game? so that you can see exactly how to download relationships, where to get the necessary materials, and in case of a dead end, what to do according to the plot? And also recipes, what can be combined in alchemy?
(1 edit)
I really need help folks... I'm stuck on the ghost ship plot. I recaptured the elf from the captain of the ghost and now absolutely nothing happens: I don’t know where to find a stick for the fisherman’s chair, I don’t know how to further develop relations with the demon and the ghost, as well as with the elf, and at the same time nothing helps in promotion (neither the bartender, no guild)

I have only one question... what needs to be done to develop a relationship with Selen?