So glad you enjoyed the game! Thank you for checking it out. Hope the Adversaries remain challenging after a few plays.
Matachin Games
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Thank you for trying out the game and your comments! I’m glad you’ve had a good time so far. Especially since it seems like there’s some good replayability for the Adversaries.
I had not considered using modern models with the game but it sounds like a good time! I think an Old West vibe would work really well too. I’m a big fan of the Dark Tower series and some old gunslingers fighting strange creatures in a decaying landscape feels like a good fit for the system as well.
Thank you for your feedback! I hope you’ve had a good time reading or playing the game.
I cannot claim to have come up with the original seed for the initiative system so I feel like I can say it is very cool :). The World of Warcraft miniatures game was the inspiration for the concept as I use it here and it was a neat, if short-lived, game.