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Darkworm Colt Games

A member registered Apr 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for letting me know!

Fuck, Claytonian, I'm so sorry! This is a genuine oversight! I had the sentence "This game is based on Claytonian's The Party" in my Affinity files. It must have dropped over the edge of the page. Promised, I'll fix it right now. Sorry. Please forgive me.

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Ein Beispielcharakter – motiviert durch die erfreuliche Tatsache, daß wir bald wieder spielen werden (Sword&Sorcery-DSA, also die Welt und Stimmung der Erstauflage).

Ich bin Kaphta Al´Muherzin

ein Druide (1)  aus der Wüste Khom, der immer dann stärker wird, wenn ein Freund stirbt.
Waffen: Brechstange, Epee (Stoßschwert)
Rüstung: Streifenpanzer (2) (wenn ich ihn trage, kann ich nicht zaubern)

1) Caelum Sulphurtraum, ich bin benebelt, glaub es kaum
(Himmelreich des Betäubenden Schwefels)
2) Jubel, Trubel und Applausium, bringe mich zu schnellem Ruhm
(Unaufhaltsamer Ruhm)
3) Spiritus Sapientiae Vindictae, pass nur auf, ich tu dir weh
(Geist der Rachsüchtigen Weisheit)


  1. Die Bezeichnung, die ich verwenden würde, ist "Sahir", ein Zauberbegabter; das Wort ist oft negativ behaftet, was ideal zum Druiden passen würde.
  2. Die Rüstung habe ich garantiert von irgendwoher mitgenommen.

Thank you :) Have fun!

Beyond the "combat rules" that the Goons system offers, there are no rules for encountering alien animals.

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I can relate. At the moment, I don't have enough spare time on my hands to publish it in letter size, though. I'm really sorry.

Thank you! IF I can find the time, I'll translate it into English :)

Very welcome, DestronLok!

Thank you :)

Same here :)
BTW, I ran with your suggestion and put the rules summary in the back of the book. Thanks again.

Good idea.

Maybe not in the book, but here:

JUNGLE rules summary
The referee is the final arbiter. 
When in doubt, roll 1d20.
The higher the roll, the better the result.  Skilled characters do more and better with the same number, compared to unskilled ones.
Sometimes the ref will decide to roll a d20 against yours.
If you roll low, suffer consequences. This is handled narratively.
Destiny Points let you either reroll, or you can avoid injury with them. One is usually enough, but the referee decides, according to the established narrative.

Weak opponents take one hit to die or be knocked out.
Stronger opponents have Destiny Points like player characters.

Thank you! I wanted to try something new, and somehow I think the language fits the setting. Kind of ;)

Thank you so much! I had so much fun writing Jungle, I'm pretty sure more material will follow :)

De nada :)

Hola! No hay problema:

Hasta pronto!

Danke dir, Dima!Das mit der deutschen Version stimmt leider nur halb... ich wollte mich mal dranmachen, eine deutsche Version zu schreiben, aber dann kam das Leben dazwischen ;) 

Irgendwann komme ich sicher dazu ;)

Thank you :)

Most probably at the end of this year...

Thank YOU for the game!

Jason, I bought the full version yesterday, and wonder of wonders, I could open your file ;)

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Thank you... I'm guessing the old beta is the reason it isn't opening...

Hi y'all,

I just downloaded the SRD, and my copy of Affinity Publisher (still in Beta) keeps telling me the file is corrupt... anyone else experiencing this?

Thanks for your help.

Oh, thank you!

Very welcome!

(1 edit)

Hey, great to hear you're enjoying my game! Well, there *might* be Wizards who, for some reason, can't cast spells per se, but have powers that mimic spells... for instance:

A Wizard with arcane protection ("arcane armor") who is able to enhance the effects of magic items simply by touching them. This Wizard rolls two spells: Sleep, and Shadow Walk. Now, we know s/he can't cast spells (because the player didn't pick or roll the move "1. Cast Spells"), but somehow, this Wizard still has the ability: maybe it's a PSI-like thing, or maybe those "spells" are beings he tamed.

The difference is in the narration, and it's also in scope: A Wizard without that move "1. Cast Spells" can't learn spells from a book, in my game. In your game, of course, this might be perfectly possible.

Does this make sense?

@psytek, I hope these two pages from my Bound For Glory game can help:

Hi Psytek,
some time in the future, I'll update the file... other than that, feel free to surf over to our original Free Kriegspiel Revolution Discord:
You'll get answers there!

There will be updates… one of the things I'm working on is more detailed advice on how to run games.

Best! :)

Thank you, my friend!

Hey Rattlemayne,

I've done it again – I tinkered with MoldHammer… to play Warhammer first edition with it :)

Thanks for this great game!


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Just to give you an idea of what we mean when we say "background kit", this is a table of 12 archetypical Cyberpunk classes:

d12 Cyberpunk backgrounds
The number in brackets is the number of skills, powers or items of the class you MUST pick before play. 

  1.  Cops (2): Big revolver, kevlar vest, shotgun, close-quarters combat and firearms training, authority, shady business on the side.
  2. Max Tac Agents (2): Huge pistol, combat armor, close-quarters combat and firearms training, no hesitation to kill
  3. Corporates (2): Black credit card, holdout pistol, connections, first responder team subscription, dark secret
  4. Fixers (2): Pistol, knows people, ziplock filled with drugs, secret warehouse, knows how to streetdeal
  5. Medias (2): Recording suite, connections, holdout pistol, selection of fashionable uppers and downers, credibility, knows too much
  6. Netrunners/Crystaljocks/Deckers (2): Cyberdeck, self-coded and swapped apps, cramped hoarder apartment, piece of software from the Swede, high IQ, citizen of the net
  7. Med-Techs/Street Docs (2): small clinic, variety of illegal combat drugs and boosters, B-grade cyberware spareparts, a real doctor
  8. Panzerboys/girls/Riggers (2): panzer (armed hovercraft), slick sports car, armored drone, small warehouse with smuggled goods, pistol, vehicle zen, connections
  9. Nomads (2): road hog, gun, knife, brawler, can rely on his tribe, violent past 
  10. Rockerboys/girls (2): electric guitar, synthesizer, connections (but not in high places), knife, charismatic leader, anarchist background
  11. Solos/Ex-Soldiers/Street Samurai (2): arsenal of weapons, tactical gear, close-quarters combat, firearms and explosives training, nice pension, combat sense
  12. Techies (2): small workshop or garage, mysterious device you don‘t understand, graduated summa cum laude (tech and mechanics), small zapper, knows how to jury-rig

Buddy, you are invited, then :) 

Guys, the Arnesonian Background Kit Jam starts in 15 minutes!
We're looking for your ideas (no stats) for new classes for all rules-lite rpgs like MoldHammer and The Landshut Rules. Please spread the word!

See, you know, our games are pretty similar to each other and to Dave Arneson's kind of gaming… that's why I think a game jam here on itch would benefit everyone who's into "ancient school" type of rpgs… hm… 

Dude, you're awesome! Thanks for encouraging us creatives :)

Have you thought about a MoldHammer Starting Kit jam? 

Hey! I like what I'm seeing :) 

I think I'll use MoldHammer for a few DCC funnels. 

One addition i made:

Critical hits: if you roll a 1 to hit, roll again. 1 to 14, hit normally. 15 to 19, do 2 damage. 20, you scored a crit - roll 1d6, 1 to 5, the opponent is knocked out, 6, the opponent is dead.