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A member registered Jan 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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I like this idea. Ranking would have been cool in the jam, but this works too.
Feedback: Your game is awesome after you get the hang of the objective. The mix of a growth and clicker game together played well. The menu items were a bit intrusive as they tended to occupy a good part of the screen. Your gameplay mechanic is very clear and may not require constant feedback on the screen, or even guidance. I would suggest for a game like this, you had a 'show tips' button to disable the menus from popping up.

If you care to check it out. My team made a speedrun game. It is a 3d platformer with a speedrun timer.  EDEN is the game, and it is available for PC.

This was an awesome game. Looks, controls and everything were awesome. I really enjoyed each aspect of the gameloop. This was amazingly well done.

That is awesome , I would be happy to have dedicated SFX assistance. It was on my checklist of the next things to address. Please feel free to reach me on my Discord using this code: (based in the Western USA timezone) Lets discuss from there, the project needs about a dozen different SFX, some continuous and some are just 1 shot. Lets exchange details from there. 

Thank you . -Matayoman.

(1 edit)

Awesome. That sounds good to me, i just listened through all of your tracks on YT. Should be a good match.

Please feel free to reach me on my Discord using this code: (based in the Western USA timezone)

Hello, this is my first time in a Game Jam. I have a game that has a complete set of gameplay and mechanics, but i do not have a sound design or theme to the sound of the game. I had some thoughts in mind, but in the nature of my first Jam I figured I should try collaborating with someone who may have a bomb track to go with the game.

Please feel free to check out the game, WIP of course, and picture your sounds in the game. The game is called: EDEN.  It is a Platforming Puzzle Solver with a speed run timer that will run in the background to track your time. Feel free to PM me or respond below if you think your track could work in the game.

